chapter three | Ashton's drumsticks

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6:04 PM



Ashton stood in front of his old preschool, swiping his blonde locks out of his face and sighing. He walked towards the door, pulling it open, but failing since it was locked.

He sighed and began trudging around the preschool's proximity, not even caring for the fact of how pedophilish he looked. He walked towards the back of the school, seeing the play structures.

He sighed as he dug his hands into his sweatshirt's pockets, walking over to a swing. He sat on it, failing to actually do anything because of how long his legs were.

This was where he and Briana met - preschool. They had been best friends since the time he told her that she had ugly curls underneath the play structure.

That's when it hit him - the play structure.

He bolted off the swings and towards the play structure, crawling underneath it until he saw to sticks standing up in the wood chips. He ran to them, pulling them out of the ground and sitting down in the wood chips.

Ashton just thought about everything. Briana, mostly. It had only been for two hours and he was already surrendering.

He thought how perfect it would be if he were just a kid. You don't have to worry about anything. No bills, no relationships, no money - nothing besides food and toys.


"Your hair is ugly!" Ashton pointed to the girl playing with the dirt in front of her. "Why is it all spinny?"

"Because it's curled, dingus!" the little girl fired back, throwing a handful of wood chips at the antagonizing boy.

Ashton laughed, dodging the dirt and sitting down next to the girl. "I'm Ashton."

"My name is Briana. But my mom calls me Ana and my daddy calls me Bri. But you can call me anything you want besides B."

"Oh," Ashton sighed, giggling. "Okay."

"One time my daddy called me B and I hit him with a doll in the face. It was really funny!" Briana squealed, throwing her head back.

Ashton laughed, too. They just laughed and laughed without no meaning or reasoning. They enjoyed each other's laughter and couldn't make their own stop.


Ashton snapped out of his little trance and sighed, turning down to the letter taped into one of the sticks. He ripped through the paper of the envelope, pulling the actual letter out.

'I hope you're as annoyed and hurt by this situation as I am.

Go to the place where we both lost our virginity to each other. You'll find your credit card there!


Ashton smirked and crumbled the paper up, throwing it across the play area (not even caring that a little innocent preschooler could come across it) and stood up. He shoved his sticks into his back pocket, walking back over to his car and getting inside, setting out for his credit card.

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