chapter two | Ashton's laptop

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Ashton sighed as he stood in front of Luke's closed front door, in fear of knocking.

Luke and Ashton had a complicated friendship. They were best friends until Ashton started dating Briana - Luke's cousin. It didn't really fulfill Luke physiologically the first time he found out Ashton and Briana were a thing. It made him extremely uncomfortable, even to the point that he ended he and Ashton's friendship.

Ashton kissed Briana for the first time in Luke's treehouse while playing truth or date at Luke's fourteenth birthday. Everyone thought it was so cute (besides Luke), but it meant the most to Ashton.

He gulped as he raised his knuckles, clonking them against Luke's mahogany front door. He heard someone shout some words from the other side of the door until the one and only Luke Hemmings opened the door.

"I want my laptop," Ashton piped up immediately, holding his hands out for Luke.

The blonde boy pursed his lips and chuckled, growing upon Ashton. "I don't have your laptop, dumbass."

"Don't play games with me, Hemmings," Ashton sighed, stomping his heel against the doormat. "I know Briana gave it to you as part of her scavenger hunt shit."

"What scavenger hunt shit?" Luke laughed, crossing his arms against his chest roughly.

Ashton sighed, rolling his eyes. "Well, apparently I cheated on her and then she hid all my shit and-"

Luke cut Ashton off. "-You cheated on Briana?"

"-No! That's what this is all about and-"

"-I knew you were gonna break her heart from the start," Luke sighed with smirk, letting his tongue roll between his lip and bottom set of teeth. "Get out."

"Not until you give me my laptop."

"I don't have your fucking laptop, Ashton. Get off of my damn doorstep!" Luke commanded, shutting the door on Ashton's face.

Ashton sighed as he stepped away from the door, beginning to walk away. If Luke didn't have it, where the hell was it? He was positive their first kiss was at Luke's house. That's when he realized that they didn't kiss in Luke's house. They kissed for the first time in Luke's treehouse.

Ashton perked up as he bolted towards Luke's backyard. He didn't really care that he was basically already kicked off of his property. He needed his laptop, it was basically his life.

He raced to the huge tree that stood in the corner of the rectangular backyard, looking up at the rusty tree house. He examined a way to get up, beginning to climb up the tree, using the latter attached to the wooden house.

Once he was up in the treehouse, he immediately spotted his laptop laying in the center of the treehouse since the rest of it was empty and cleaned out.

But before picking it up, he started examining the treehouse. He had his first kiss in there with his first love. It didn't get better than that.

JULY 15TH, 2009

"Truth or dare?" Calum laughed, narrowing his eyes towards Ashton who was sitting across from him in the circle.

Ashton thought about what battles to choose to fight. He thought about what would happen if he were to pick dare, which would probably have him do something stupid. If he picked truth, it'd probably be some immature question.


Everyone in the circle watched Calum, waiting for him to tell Ashton what he needed to do.

That's when the idea came into Calum's head, making him smirk. "Kiss Briana."

"No, no," Luke stepped in, rejecting the dare. "Stop. Don't do that."

"Ashton picked dare, you didn't," Briana's best friend, Maria, spat at Luke.

Ashton's cheeks turned a bright pink as he felt very muscle in his body go numb and turn sweaty. He looked at Briana, who was blushing herself.

They both hesitantly moved to the center of the circle, where everyone started chanting and watching them discreetly.

But Ashton manned up and did it. He kissed Briana for the first time.


Ashton took his laptop and climbed down from the treehouse, hoping to God that Luke wasn't going to see him basically invading his property.

He looked around the laptop, looking for the note that Briana attached to it. He couldn't find it until he opened and saw the yellow sticky note stuck to the screen as he walked over to his car.

He ripped the note off and closed his laptop as he opened his car door, hoping inside and shutting the door behind him. He began to read the note as he put his laptop on the passenger seat, next to his album.

'Hey dumbass, congrats on finding your stupid laptop.

Next is where we met - go make a fool out of yourself, Irwin. You'll find your favorite pair of drumsticks there!

Briana x'

Ashton sighed as the place popped into his head. He was going to make a fool out of himself.

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