Part Four: Plotting

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Nettelia was just as Osirion left her, suspended by her wrists and ankles and blindfolded. He had been dousing her with water every couple of days to just barely keep her on the brink of life. He was no fool and did not allow her to drink any water. Water was a source of rejuvenation for her, water enhanced her powers and her energy. If consumed she may be able to regain just enough strength to try something tricky. He was aware that she had the ability to intake the water through the pores on her body to quench her thirst, but it took energy for her to do that. So he doused her sparingly. Osirion looked at her pathetically as she hung suspended from his ceiling. He had stashed her on a private island he found millennia ago. He had built a small house for himself to be alone when he needed to plan. No one else knew where this island was. He was taking a risk bringing her here, but it was a bigger risk taking her anywhere else where her carbons could locate her. They were at the center of the island where her scent could not reach the shores.

SPLASH!! "Blessings this morning my love." Osirion spoke to Nettilia in a chipper voice.

Nettilia didn't move. Usually when he splashed her she shot awoke, startled, due to him using ice cold salt water directly from the ocean. He tilted his head a little, wondering if she was trying to trick him. He took a hesitant step closer and listened. He didn't hear any breathing and as he observed her chest, he did not see it rise and fall. He looked around the entire room. Nothing was in disarray or out of place. He took a deep breath in, still nothing out of sorts. He slowly walked around her entire body. She was entirely naked. She was suspended over a large opening in the floor that led down to a sewage bin that he constructed for her waste. When he returned to face her in the front, he took another hesitant step forward, her head hung down, with her chin to her chest. He noticed her lips were cracked and bleeding. He realized her body was not drawing in the moisture from the water, it was just dripping onto the floor.

You can't be dead, I've been dousing you with water regularly. This is some sort of trick. Nettilia my love, you cannot trick me. He thought aloud in his head so she could hear.

Again, nothing no response. He left and got another bucket of cold water from the ocean. As he was about to throw the bucket of water over her body, he hesitated. Did he just see her finger move? Was this a trick? Nettilia is very much known for her craftiness. He set the bucket down and instead walked close enough to her until he was only an inch from her face. He smelled her. She didn't smell dead, but he knew it could take a few days for a body like hers to start the decomposition process. He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifted it. Since she had the blindfold on he could not see her eyes, her head felt heavy and lifeless in his hands.

SMACK!! Unexpectecly, he open palm smacked her viciously across her face. Her entire body shook, her head snapped to the side like it was going to split from her neck. Her body reverberated, rattling the chains from the impact of his blow. Still nothing. Osirion stepped close to her face, her dry and now split lip bled even more; slow drops of blood trickled down onto the cement floor.

What have I done. I've killed Nettlia, my beloved.

Regret flooded Osirions psyche, old nostalgic memories immediately flooded his mind of him and his wife's history.

Osirion and Nettalia appeared hovering, suspended in mid-air, above nothingness. They turned and faced each other. Immediate attraction triggered them to hold each other. The Source appeared to them in the likeness of a bright light and instructed them as to what they were and why they were created. Osirion and Nettilia were two sides of the same coin, fashioned as opposites, yet dependent on one another. He is the yin to her yang, the lightness to her darkness, the order to her chaos. One could not exist without the other. Since The Source used its own energy to create Osirion and Nettilia's beings, The Source itself was now a finite energy and needed to be replenished to sustain its existence. That was Osirion and Nettlia's task to find an energy supply to maintain The Source, and that energy supply was provided through human energy. The Source would choose whom it wanted every couple of millenia. At first Osirion and Nettilia worked together, but their opposing personalities clashed. They fought incessantly, to the point where they just could not fathom being together, however, they still had to complete the task; so it became a game, a competition. Over time with losing ideas for things to bet on, started to bet on time, lives, and existence over what they ruled. Osirion was originally ruler over heaven and earth, while Nettilia was ruler over the underworld and the seas. In the beginning they were able to roam around amongst each other's kingdoms as they were husband and wife, but as time ensued and emotions flared, they banned each other from their dominions. Then cursed each other to lifelong entrapments of otherworldly creatures. Nettilia to a mermaid and Osirion to a vampire. Her banned to the sea and ocean, totally dependent on water, and only able to be on land for short periods of time, and he banned to lust for human blood consumption as a means for sustainability and to stay alive. This separation would in turn make their bond stronger, their love for each other never waned only intensified, but the separation also caused the animosity between them to intensify as well.

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