➳ 𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘴

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— 1985 —

Mike, Eleven, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will have decided to swim in the river today. They just arrived at the river place that they're swimming in. This is the most private river in town, it's literally just the six of them right now.

They put all of their stuff down on the few rocks beside the river. All of them excitedly stripped down their clothes, leaving the boys in their shorts while the two girls on their bikinis. Will, on the other hand, slowly sat on one of the rocks and didn't take his clothes off.

The four quickly dived in. Mike was about to too, but he noticed Will.

"Will," Mike walked towards him. Will looked up at him.

"Don't you wanna swim?" Mike asked.

"You know I can't swim, Mike." Will replied, scratching his neck.

"So, what are you gonna do? Just sit there and what—watch us?"

"Well, yeah, I guess. Like I always do," he sighed.

Mike sat beside Will and looked down. "I'm sorry if you feel like we're letting you down—"

"It's not really about you," Will quickly said. Mike looked at him and gave him a questioning look.

Will took a deep breath. "It's about the girls." he nervously said.

Mike laughed. "What? You like them both at the same time, don't you?"

"What?! No! That's gross!" Will replied and made a disgusted face.

Mike smirked. "Then, what is it?"

Will looked down. "It's just that.." he sighed. "Ever since El and Max joined the party, it's like you all forgot about me. You guys act like Will Byers never existed." he looked back up and scratched his face.

"Hey, that's not true. Why would we forget about you? I'm actually glad that you never gave up our party. I know that you still want to play D&D, but we're not kids anymore, Will."

"Exactly. That's what saddens me even more. The fact that we're never coming back to where we started. We're all growing up on our own us. You guys are starting to like people now. Lucas, Max. You and El—"

"You stop there," Mike cut him off. "First off, I don't like El. I never did. Second, we can still come back to where we started, but not now, alright? I'll force them to play D&D someday."

"You don't have to," Will scoffed.

Mike sighed, and got up. "Strip."

Will's eyes widened. "Wha—Mike! You're a perv!"

Mike laughed. "Dumbass! I'm bringing you to the river!"

"I just told you, I can't swim—"

"Oh, shut up before I come and take your clothes off myself—"

"Okay, okay! I'm coming," Will shook his head and stripped off his shirt. He lowkey wanted Mike to do it, but that's awkward.

Once he stripped down, Mike grabbed his hand and ran towards the water to join the other four.

"Finally, you two have joined." El told Mike and Will.

"They were too busy flirting with each other." Max smirked.

"The fuck is wrong with you?!" Mike jokingly screamed at Max.

They all kept splashing each other and some are swimming already. It's just six kids having fun, no worries.

"Hey, Will, let's go to the falls." Mike invited Will.

"Isn't it too deep down there?" he asked.

"Well, it's not that deep. But it kinda is." Mike said.

"I'm not going—"

"Yes, you are. I'll hold your hand, don't worry." Mike smiled. Will nodded his head and Mike took his hand. Will felt his cheeks turning hot.

The two walked slowly towards the falls while their friends were annoying each other from behind.

Will suddenly stepped on something slippery which made him almost lose his grip and fall into the water. Good thing, Mike quickly noticed and made his grip onto Will's hand tighter.

"Shit!" Mike pulled Will back up. "I'm sorry,"

"Not your fault," he looked at him. "Something's slippery down there."

"Okay, hold on tightly. Don't let go. We're almost there," Mike told Will and walked slower.

Once the two reached the falls, Mike helped Will to come closer to the falls and lean against the wall.

"See? It's so much fun in here!" Mike yelled, since the sound of the water falling is too loud.

"Yeah!" Will chuckled.

They stared at the sky while the water is massaging their bodies.

Will looked at Mike's eyes. "Thanks for making me feel better, Mike." he grinned.

"No prob. Told you, Mikey saves the day!" he joked and they both laughed.

They stopped laughing and stared at each other for a good minute. Mike slowly leaned towards Will and kissed him on the lips.

Will was in complete shock—not knowing what to do. 'Do I kiss him back? I love him.. but is this right?' he thought.

After five seconds of thinking, he finally kissed Mike back with his right hand around Mike's neck, while Mike's right hand is wrapped around Will's hips.

Their friends saw them, then started cheering.

"This isn't shocking," Lucas shook his head, but smirked right after.

"Y'all are the cutest!" Max squealed.

"Proud of you both!" El grinned.

"I knew it! I knew there's something going on between these two bitches!" Dustin teased, which made the whole crew laugh.

While not letting go of the kiss, Mike raised his middle finger to Dustin.

All of them burst out of laughter, then started splashing the pair with a huge wave of the water.

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