➳ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘯'𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘯

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— 1983 —

Mike is currently riding his bike on the way to the nearest library that he always goes to when he's bored.

Reading and researching about monsters is his favorite thing to do. He's a 13 year old popular guy in Hawkins Middle School, who's famous for being a monster addict.

Mike parked his bike outside the library and made his way in. He greeted the librarian, his favorite librarian. She isn't the rude type, but very nice and kind especially to Mike. She's around at her 40's.

"Good morning, Mrs. Byers." Mike politely greeted—in a low volume, obviously.

"Good morning, Mr. Wheeler. How are you?" she asked him.

"I'm good, ma'am. What about you?" Mike stood on tiptoe to be able to reach the high counter.

"I'm actually not really fine today. My son is very sick, and I can't leave him home alone.."

"Wait, you have a son?" Mike shockingly asked.

"Of course, dear. He doesn't have siblings though, not even a father."

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that," he pursed his lips. "Speaking of your son, where is he?"

"Probably walking around right now and looking for something to read. He's not that ill, just cough and cold." the librarian replied.

Mike looked around and stood back down. "Well, I hope he gets better soon." he smiled. "I'm gonna go, talk to you later, Mrs. Byers."

"Hope you find a great monster book!" she whisper-shouted. Mike chuckled and walked away.

Mike went to the row where the sci-fi books are usually at. When he entered in there, he saw a boy trying to reach a book at the 9th shelf. Mike walked over to the boy and helped him out. He gave the book to him and smiled politely.

The boy took it and smiled back. "T-thank you.."

"No problem," Mike replied and looked at the book cover. "Hey, that's a book about demogorgons!" he quietly said. It was the book he was looking for, but sadly it's taken.

"Oh, hehe.. yeah, it is—" the boy got cut off by his own cough.

"Sorry, I'm sick. You shouldn't be going near me." the boy was about to walk away but Mike remembered something.

"Hey kid, are you the librarian's son? Mrs. Byers?" he asked.

The boy turned around and frowned. "Yes.. how do you know?"

"I always talk to your mom. She's nice," Mike walked closer to him. "My name's Michael. Call me Mike." he offered his hand.

The boy took it. "I'm William. Call me Will."

"Will," Mike chuckled. "That's cute."

Will blushed. "Aw, thanks."

"Hey, so, uh.. do you mind if we can read the book together? I-I, uh.. was actually gonna borrow that one but I don't wanna—"

"No, of course I— *coughs* I don't mind at all." Will replied and sniffed.

"Oh, okay.." Mike smiled. "Where do you wanna sit?"

"Let's take the corner," Will said and pointed at the mini corner at the end of the row.

Mike looked at him weirdly. "Of this row?"

Will looked back at him. "Yeah, that's where I usually sit. I prefer distancing myself from people."

"Well.. I'm one of the people." Mike pouted.

"You're an exception," he smiled.

"Alright, then. Corner it is." Mike said and walked to the corner. Will sat beside him, with a space in between.

Will opened the book and turned to the first page. He looked at Mike and noticed that they're quite far from each other.

"You can move closer if you can't— *coughs* see." he told Mike. He nodded and moved closer. The two started reading then.

Mike and Will have been reading for quite a long time now but nothing's getting in their heads. They both can't focus, because all they want to do right now is to know each other more.

"So—" they accidentally said in sync, which made them chuckle.

"You first," Will told Mike.

Mike moved a little to fix his postion. "I, uh.. can't really focus.. you can—um, read it alone, I'll just get a new book—"

"Wait, no, I—I actually can't too.. I was just gonna ask if you mind talking instead.."

"No! I mean, no—not at all." Mike gave him a smile.

Will sniffed. "You sure?"

"Of course," he stood up and put the book back in its shelf. "You know, I can ask Mrs. Byers to bring you with me.. Well, I mean—if it's alright since you're sick—"

"No, it's okay." Will smiled. "My cold isn't that bad anymore, I can go."

Mike clicked his tongue. "Alright," he offered his hand to help Will get up. Will took it.

The two walked over to the librarian's deck, also known as Mrs. Byers or Will's mom, to ask if she can let Will go.

"Hi, Mrs. Byers." Mike smiled.

"Mike—wait, Will? Is that—" she paused and laughed in shock. "You guys—"

"He helped me get the book from the shelf, the ladder wasn't there somewhere." Will explained.

"Um, uh.. I actually brought him here not to tell you like, 'Hey look, I'm friends with your son!' or what," Mike paused since Will and his mom started laughing.

"I came here to... ask.. if you let me borrow Will for a second..?" Mike blinked a few times, trying to do the puppy eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Byers asked.

"C-can I—uh, bring him outside? He, um... said he's not feeling that bad anymore.. W-we'll just go... for a walk. I had to have your consent because you're his mom.." Mike stuttered.

Mrs. Byers raised a brow at Will. She knows her son too much, obviously. She knows when he's lying—like right now.

"Are you sure?" she squinted her eyes at Will.

"Y-yeah, mom. I'm gonna be f-fine." he stuttered.

She gestured Mike to come closer and placed her mouth within reach of his ears and whispered, "I know when my son is lying, but I know—deep inside when he's happy. I can see it through his eyes. So I'm letting him go, but please promise me that you're bringing him back home safe, alright?"

Mike glanced at Will, then nodded his head. Mrs. Byers smiled and walked over to Will to kiss him. Will giggled, but got kinda embarrassed. "Mom!"

His mom shook his head. "Have fun, you two!" she said in a low volume as the two boys were walking out the library.

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