Bonus: Sapnap

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mm hi

tw: guns


*Sapnap POV* - Same Time As Last Chapter

Everything ached, but I kept running. Dawn was about to break, and I couldn't risk being seen when the sun's light washed over. The shoulder-high water was so high I suppose I was more swimming than running, or at least doing a strange sort of hobble as I pushed the murky water out of my path. My foot met with something soft, and every nerve in my body shuddered, followed by a soft string of curses. I grit my teeth and continued onward, silently begging that I don't accidentally step on something... Or someone else.

In the soft glow that the pale moonlight cast, the subtle silhouette of a seemingly stable-enough, only partially collapsed building peeked out from the swampy water. My pace slowed so that the sounds that I made when passing through the water fell silent, now not even daring to breathe too loud, despite how my lungs wanted to practically gasp for air.

Simply put, I was in a terrible spot. I stood in the middle of a street, which, in hindsight, was a shitty idea, since when the sun rose in what had to be less than a minute, I would be more than exposed. The building was an issue as well. Any half-witted moron within a five mile radius would have most likely found it by now, the structure almost too perfect for a base. I was not in any way prepared to take on a gang, not in the state I was in now.

Curses rang through my head as I began to soundlessly waddle slowly through the icy water towards the closest rubble, deciding that this was most likely the safest option. Not necessarily the most fun or in any way not dangerous, just the one that involved the least possible chances of fighting a possible gang. I'd only managed to move a few yards before movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention.

As soon as they came into view, I took a quick breath and dunked myself into the water, pushing myself through the murk as fast as I could without disturbing the surface, silently praying that they hadn't seen me. There was most certainly a gang hiding in there, and while I had only seen what was most likely a guard, there were certainly many more hidden inside, ready to take down a stray like me for meager supplies in an instant.

Little of the newly-arrived light broke through into the water, and it was only when my outstretched hand crashed into something vaguely concrete-like did I realize I had achieved my goal. I didn't dare feel safe just yet, not with a gang so close by. Even if I stayed out of sight without making a sound, it was like they were able to sniff out strays like wolves. All I could do was sit still and pray that they were either stupid or distracted.

Nearly at my limit, I pulled myself to the remaining far wall of the demolished building, pulling myself out to splutter for breath behind the meager protection, for now just thankful it was enough to cover me from the guard. Dawn had finally arrived, showering everything with its golden rays, that while beautiful, all but trapped me in the middle of the street.

There was shouting from behind me, although I couldn't discern whether that was from the guard having located me or just their usual hollering, but I remained ready to submerge myself once more should they draw closer. My breathing was forcibly slow, my hands shaking as I lay in wait, no matter how much I tried to force calm into myself. I ended up leaning my head against the building, the rest of my body still submerged in the murk, too drained and helpless to do much more

How the hell did I even end up like this? My clammy hands found a spot to rest in a nook in the wall behind me, my eyes fluttering closed briefly, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a few moments. Flashes of floods and guns passed quickly behind my shut lids, the scars left behind from them somehow less vivid than the memories themselves. Or perhaps that was simply the loneliness beginning to consume me. The last conversation I had with someone that didn't want to kill me... I could hardly remember.

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