Walking Again

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̶t̶e̶n̶  thirteen k reads thats,,, quite a bit isnt it o.o yall want a qna or smth??

[i really wanted to make another meme again but it be 130am]


*Tommy POV*

"Tommy!" Tubbo groaned, whining only having grown louder and louder since we started walking. "Come on, I'm really tired! Can't we take a break?" It's been nearly two weeks since we crossed over to France, and so far, it has sucked just about the same as England did. The terrain was more or less the same, food still near impossible to get, and we kept having to go off course to avoid all those fucking dogs. Not like we had a course in the first place, anyway. We just picked the direction that seemed like it would take us far away from the coast the quickest, and we're not even sure if we're still heading the that way anymore.

One thing did seem rather odd, though. We passed through only one town throughout our entire time in France, and it was the one we crashed in when we first arrived. It was completely deserted, of both animals and people, which might have been good for us, but it made me wonder just what happened to everyone. It was a coastal town, so Tubbo thought everyone simply drowned at sea. Even if that were the case, it didn't sit right with me. I made us move on the next morning after we found some expired snacks, despite Tubbo's complaints of scavenging it for more supplies.

"We still have daylight," I grumbled back, tired from both their whining and this conversation we always seemed to have. Tubbo huffed from besides me, and I already knew what was passing through their head, just as he already knew what was going through mine. So we both stayed silent, not bothering to have the same argument again, instead continuing our endless walking in the silence that we'd come to find oddly comforting.

As my feet dragged through the ankle deep water, I turned my head to face Tubbo, who was settled alongside me by my blind side. In the two weeks since we've arrived, I've gotten more or less used to the odd, consuming feeling that came with having only one eye. At first I felt myself getting desperate, a sense of panic never far from taking over me not just because of how there always seemed to be some sort of sound lurking just beyond my limited peripheral. The memory of Tubbo's hand reaching for mine never faded, and while I'd been trying my best to forget, Dream's rampage and George's corpse never passed either.

Neither of us ever talked about them again. I knew it was eating the both of us up, but still, we couldn't bring ourselves to think about it, much less speak about it. Or at least, that's how it was for me. The only time they were mentioned was when Tubbo suggested we try and copy their fluidity, that sense of togetherness that would have made them an unstoppable force had Tubbo and I not been there. So on the rare occasions when we don't feel like dropping dead where we stand, we practice fighting like before, except now with the added twist of doing it together, just like Dream and George used to. We've begun to find a sort of pattern to each other, the longer we do it. I've never brought it up, but ever since a particularly bad nightmare, Tubbo's been walking on my right. Almost as if he knew how comforting it is.

I was at an awkward angle to get a good look, but I'd gotten a little used to it by now. I'd also gotten used to seeing the fresh, daily scratches and purple and blue bruises on their body, and I'm sure Tubbo had gotten used to seeing the same sight on me. Their arm was still in the makeshift sling, although it clearly didn't hurt as much, and he was able to move it around with some difficulty. His limp was still prevalent, and while it had healed significantly from a month ago, it never seemed to get any better than what it was, but at least it didn't seem to get any worse. Tubbo stifled a small smirk seeing how oddly I was walking to look down at him.

"Stop that," I grumbled, returning my gaze to look at the surrounding area. Not completely open, but there were enough still-standing trees to give us at least some cover should the need for them arise. Tubbo giggled underneath their breath, fiddling with the rubix cube that somehow managed to survive the journey across, unlike most of our supplies. He was no closer to solving it now than he was a month ago.

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