A Friend

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it has recently come to my attention that the bonus chapter is a Bonus chapter and not required, so i will be skipping it for now

thank you for being so patient with me, and a mega thank you for everyone that drew me something for the 30k special [my homeboy tubbee drew the above], it really means a lot to me :) even if you didnt draw anything or are in the discord, just thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying this

sorry again for the delay and please enjoy <3


Wilbur POV

My body ached in places I hadn't been aware could ache, my feet and legs especially burdened by my long trek. I hadn't managed to get a change of clothes, so my soggy pants and socks were clinging to my skin, chilling me as I walked through wherever the hell it was that I was walking through. At least the sun was high, and that consoled me enough to keep pressing forward, its warmth gracious despite how it caused sweat to trickle down my back.

I'd lost track of the days I'd been out here, wandering on my own. The last people I'd seen from a distance weren't exactly friendly, my hands unintentionally shaking at the thought. I placed a tentative hand over my heart, its rapid pulse a steady reminder that I was still alive while I sucked in a shaky breath, putting one more foot in front of the other as I continued.

After so long I had no idea what I looked like apart from the harrowing glimpses I got from the water when it stilled enough for me to see my reflection in it. The sight was murky, broken and deformed, yet I still shuddered at the sight of it, choosing to ignore how glazed my eyes were and how ghastly my figure was in the baggy and torn clothes that once fit me so well. Pulling at my hair did nothing to relieve the pent up dread and frustration that constantly pressed down upon my chest. All I could do was ignore it, continue ignoring it just like how I ignored my weakening state and raw panic.

A growing noise from somewhere to my left startled me, my head instinctively whipping around wide-eyed to the source of the sound despite how distant it seemed. I paused my walking, letting the water still around me as my steps stopped disturbing its murky bottom, listening more intently for the quiet sounds of in the distance. I frowned upon hearing the unintelligible noise persist, whatever it was too far away for me to see be sure of what it was. My breath hitched, my fingers curling tighter around my sharpened blade which I found carrying in my grasp more and more recently.

The panic that coursed through my veins was not unfamiliar, my senses heightening fully as I continued staring in the direction, frozen in place. Glancing around, all I could see was a watery, muddy wasteland with the occasional tree sprung up, faults and breaks in the earthen surface making it all but impossible to be certain that something wasn't hiding just out of view. The noise persisted, not getting any louder or softer, but certainly far. Very far and very loud. There was nothing that could make that much noise from that far, unless...

My pulse hiked while I tried to maintain a level breathing pace, inhaling and exhaling as best and slow as I could while I tentatively lowered my weapon, seeing no imminent threat. Cautiously and with a paranoia great enough to cause my hands to tremble, I forced my sore body to divert its path to the fault line that had been running besides me for some time now. It wasn't so hard to overcome and quite frankly not even that high, although I suppose I would have really rather not have, wincing when a sharp grass blade found its way into my still healing wound on my hand.

"Son of a bitch," A grunt escaped me as lifted a leg over, using the extra few feet of height to once again analyze my surroundings. The sun glinted off the shallow, filthy water, although its light seemed ready to die in just an hour or two, accenting the broken terrain perfectly. There were less spaces for dogs to hide around here, although now that I gave it more thought, I hadn't had a dog encounter at all last night.

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