Chapter 31

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Next day I got up all fresh  and happy. I didn't have an ounce of tension because I had one of my favourite English exam today . I took a quick shower then I wore my school uniform . After that Cherry and I did our breakfast . Then we zoomed off to school . We reached the school , after parking the scooty we went to our respective class. Then the exam began . The paper was quite easy but lengthy .

First I completed the reading section in 15 minutes, after that I completed the writing skill sections which took almost 100minutes . After that I hoped onto the literature section . As I did the extract questions, only half an hour was left. Now my 2 questions of Novel were left. Then I just freaked out as both the two questions were of 10 marks each were left . I made my super beast mode on and I wrote the first novel answer . My heart was beating like drum and my hands were sweating a lot . Then I had written about 2 pages of  my last answer when the bell rang,the teacher came and snatched away my sheet . Argh... I could have completed that answer as it was for 10 marks .

My mood is bad now , I feel like crying myself but seeing Cherry and Taniya I somehow control my tears . The worst pain a student suffers is when he or she runs out of time and the paper is snatched away and this agony doubles when you knew the answer but could not write it out due to lack of time .

Cherry understood that my fowl mood was connected to the English paper so, Cherry cheered me up by ordering some of my favourites snacks . Food made me happy instantly because I am a hard core foodie .After that we watched a movie . Then it was evening time , we got back to our books to study for Physics exam scheduled after 2 days . After studying for 3 good hours we ate aur dinner . We ate spaghettis combined with spicy tomato sauce . Tonight is my last supper here because  tomorrow my mom and dad are returning from US and I can't wait to see them and be at my home again .Then I dozed off to sleep.

Next day I got up and packed my stuff to go home after having breakfast with D'Souza family . I thanked Cherry and her parents for taking great for me . Then Nancy Aunty and Cherry dropped me home . As entered my home , I saw my mom was remorse and sniffing . I quickly got by my mom's side . Seeing me , my mom wiped her tears and as she lifted her face  I saw her pale face  with  imprint of fingers on her right cheek , my heart trembled seeing it. My eyes welled up and I felt choked .

Seeing my tears , my mom answered my unsaid questions . My mom told me that Dad and Mom came home today  early in the morning . As my Dad was opening the main door Ruchi came and  she wished good morning to my parents . My mom ignored Ruchi but my Dad who was unaware of the whole fiasco created by Ruchi , wished her back good morning. Ruchi then started conversing with my Dad and said " Hello uncle , nice to see you again. Well , congratulations your daughter has made you proud ." My Dad gave confused looks to Ruchi . Ruchi smiled and said " Uncle, Diya is a fabulous dancer and she has won the interschool dance competition." Before my mom could do something to cool down the situation ,Ruchi  handed my dad a piece of newspaper .

Seeing this news article my Dad lost his cool . He dragged my mom inside the house . Then he smashed the newspaper on my mom's face . My mom picked the newspaper and saw the article which had a head line "Diya Malhotra of Scottish Girls High School wins the hearts and competition with her graceful moves." Before Mom could say something in my defense , Dad snatched away the newspaper . He then tore the newspaper into bits.

After that Dad shouted to my  mom
" You have raised my daughter badly that is why Diya is spoiling our image in the society . You will pay the price for spoiling my daughter now ." Then my Dad brutally beat up my  Mom with his leather belt after that he slapped my mom which left a  hand  imprint on her face .

A chill ran down my spine as I heard all this from my mom . I know domestic violence happens everywhere and it is a common sight in Indian households but I could never imagine it happening in my own home . My heart was shivering in fear . I thought how could my dad raise his hand on my mom being an educated man himself . Then I saw bruises on my mom's arm and anger boiled inside me. I wanted to confront my Dad for his inhuman behaviour towards my mom but my mom stopped me from questioning Dad's actions  because my mom stated that she don't  want  to further tarnish my relationship with dad .

My mom pleaded to me " Diya my daughter , I know you can feel my pain and you might be feeling suffocated with your Dad's cruelty to me but you need to be strong for me . Diya remain quiet and please don't question your Dad because your questioning will do nothing but it will add to my plight . Diya if you want me to be safe and sound then stay quiet and do as your father say . Diya become a doctor or else your father will beat me to death or the worst he might hurt you too. My child I can't let anything happen to you . Diya just become a doctor for the sake of my and your safety . "

Hearing my mom I could not control my tears and I cried uncontrollably hugging my mom . My mom fed me lunch by her own hands . I just kept swallowing the food while tears kept blurring my vision . After the lunch I came to my room, I lay on my bed for a while .Then I decided to study for my  Physics  exam that will be  held a day after tomorrow . As I opened my textbook , I heard a loud sound of something shattering . My heart thumbed as I thought of my mom's safety .

Then I quickly went downstairs and I saw that my father had thrown his food away , shattering the plate into pieces . My poor mom was shivering in the corner of the dining  room , trying to pick up the broken pieces . As soon as my father noticed me his anger multiplied . He angrily made his way towards me . Then my dad took hold of my shoulders and he shook me angrily. Then he raised his hand to slap me but my mom came in between and she stopped my Dad from slapping me . Then my Dad shouted " How dare you Diya ! how could you participate in that stupid dance competition . You have brought bad name to our family . I will teach  a good lesson to you ,like I had taught a great lesson to your mom this morning." My mom pleaded to me " Diya run to your room and lock yourself . Don't come out until I  ask you to step out of the room.

I quickly ran to my room and I locked myself. On the hand, Dad came  chasing  me and he  banged on my door  furiously. My heart was racing hard and it was getting difficult for me  to breath, I was trembling . May be  I was getting a panic attack . I got up and I searched for my mobile. Then my father left  the door after saying some cuss words . My whole body  was trembling , my heart beats were getting erratic . I was covered in sweat and I felt nausea . I know something is wrong with me . But argh...where is my phone . Then my phone rang out of the blue . I saw the caller id it was my Chirag . I picked up the phone and I uttered  "Chi..Chirag save me ."  A wave of nausea hit me , then black dots came into my vision and after that  it was all black as I fell unconscious . I wish I could never wake up again or it was all just a bad nightmare .

*******CHAPTER ENDS************

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