Chapter 42

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I got up from sleep  at lunch time , I ate khichdi ( Rice made with whole green gram pulse ) which my mom had  prepared for me and herself. I asked my mom" Mom resume work in hospital again ". Mom looked at me with sadness on her face and said " Diya now I can't work at our hospital , your dad has ordered me to be a good housewife and he has restricted me to stay at home". I reasoned " Mom your are  a renowned doctor how can you just sit at home , people need a good doctor like you . Mom please talk to dad about it ". Mom said " I can't raise  my  voice against him , he might leave me forever or the worst he might harm us. Daughter you don't know what your father can actually do if he gets infuriated ".

I  looked at mom and I asked her  "Mom was Dad always like this? ". Mom said " I told you what you should know , now don't try to ask me anything further . I begged  "Mom I  need to know the full truth , please tell me mom". Mom tried to avoid me " Diya I have a lot of house chores, let me do my house duties". I stopped mom from going in the kitchen and I retorted " Mom what is more important to you, house chores or me ". Mom replied in defeat " Yes of course you Diya , more than anything I care about you my child". I  then said " So, if you  care about me and my life then tell me ,was dad always like this , why he treats you and me badly". Mom looked everywhere but not  at me . I told mom " I promise you that Dad won't get a clue that I know something about him from the past .

Mom finally then started narrating a tale from her past " Me and your Dad met in medical school . After completing our mbbs we finally got married . First few months of our marriage were filled with happiness but then after one year I fell pregnant . Your father and paternal grandparents were really happy. But when I was six months pregnant your paternal grandmother stated "Daughter in law we only want a grandson from you". I was astonished with this statement of your paternal grandma , I tried to convince her that the sex of the baby is not in my hand and whatever god  gives a boy or a girl both are god's blessing . But my mother in law was adamant to have only a grandson from me . Your dad too supported his mom saying " Yes Naina we want a son first as this is  our first child , secondly daughters go to other house after marriage so, what is the use of being a parent to a daughter when she  spends most of her life in her in laws house . Listen Naina if we have a boy then he will take care of our hospital which I am planning to build up soon". I wanted to argue with your dad that daughters are also good because even   I am a good daughter to my parents . so, I spoke" But Ashish daughters are also good, they love their parents specially her father a lot ....but your father interrupted me and said " We are going to take you for ultra sound to determine the sex of the baby ". I responded " In India it is illegal to determine sex of baby before birth ". Your Dad replied  "Don't worry about that  I will arrange it somehow you just do what I say , look I won't bear expenses of bringing up a daughter so it is better to know the sex of the baby and be prepared for the future ".

I shivered listening these words and I knew if it's a baby girl then it will surely be in danger . Your dad and your paternal grandma took me to a shady clinic and got me checked . I saw the baby on the sonography machine , I heard  it's heart beat and my heart was melting . I prayed to God to give me a boy because I wanted my baby to live . But cruel destiny had other plans as I had a baby girl in my womb. Your grandma was furious , she insulted me and she gave me homemade medicines to kill the baby without any suspicion .

These  homemade medicines and herbs were showing their side effects on me  as  I  was feeling weak all the time and at times I used to have bad aches in my stomach . On the other hand your dad was also angry with  me for bearing a girl , he used  to slap me , beat me and torture me so that the baby is harmed in someway. But somehow my baby girl was strong she survived these 3 horrible months inside me . After 9 months I was finally going to deliver my baby . Your father took me to the hospital of one of his relatives. I gave birth to my baby girl. She was as beautiful as a flower .But on her birth she didn't cry  or open her eyes , I saw her lifeless body  as she was still born .

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