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Ok. Doing this one more time because I have to for legal reasons. I am not Rick Riordan. Or JK Rowling. That would be awesome, but I'm not. Most of the characters don't belong to me, the world doesn't belong to me, I literally only own the plot.

This is the second book in the series I'm writing. You kinda have to read the first one to read this one, so give it a go? You might enjoy it.

Its not gonna be quite so cliche this time! Yay! You've probably already guessed that its not Voldemort's grandson or something by the, um, Longbottom-falling-from-the-sky episode, but I'm really gonna try to make it less cliche this time. No promises though.

Also, I wanna know your preferences on ships. I'm not changing PJO cannon, because I mean Percabeth, and I've already established all of the relationships in book 1, but if you'd rather I change some of the HP couples, I'm open to it.  I'm most likely going to make Drarry a thing at some point because those two have way more chemistry than Harry and Ginny (just my opinion but feel free to battle me on it in the comments.)

I welcome grammar corrections, and accuracy corrections because I want to make my work as good as possible. Just don't be mean about it.

The cover art still isn't mine. I know who drew them now though, and dam Viria I'm jealous of your talent.

I think that's everything. Ok, so enjoy. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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