Chapter 50***

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(DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. It's important to remember this is all totally fabricated, embellished, and exaggerated for entertainment purposes.)




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"Come on, skinny love, just last the year..."

Bon Iver | Skinny Love

I was awakened by Z kissing my face and uttering nonsensical things into my ear. It was rare that he awakened before me, but in times like this he was typically in a good mood. With a whimper, I turned onto my back to face him. He plopped half atop me, bearing down into my eyes like it was the first time he'd ever seen them. His gaze was inquisitive and unfaltering; almost like he was in disbelief. His whisper was hoarse. "Hey gorgeous..."

I blinked, watching his mouth move with disinterest; I was too focused on the pressure of his weight. He had brushed his teeth and I could smell the Crest on his breath. Offhandedly, I registered he must've used my toothbrush.

"Sleep okay?" he wondered. I nodded, too lazy to speak, too lazy to comprehend. I shut my eyes and nearly purred as he scratched my scalp, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"I'm glad your hair's short now. Shows the face a bit more, yeah?" Still, I nodded. "It's early, innit?" I nodded again. "They gonna be looking for ya? Ben? Meredith?"

"Wut time iz it?" I uttered, so groggily I could barely understand my own question. He mimicked me because my voice became ten times huskier in the mornings. "Shuddup..." I grinned, pulling at his chin while he grabbed the phone.

"Little after seven. Youh hungryh?" He nuzzled my jaw. "Hm, babe?"

"Gotta shower," I croaked.

"Can I come?"

", we'd get caught."

"I'd be really quiet. I already went and no one saw." I gazed down the opening to the ill-lit stairwell before concluding,

"No, it's too big a risk. They're probably up now. They don't even know you're here—"

"Then I've already done well. Seriously, babe—" I put a hand over his mouth, and he talked through it. "M'like a ghost...youh know I am." He was the only person I knew who'd take pride in such a grim notion.

"My ghost," I smiled.

"Then m'supposed to follow youh everywhere..."

"But what if they hear?"

"Noh talkin', then, yeah? Not 'til we leave. Youh know I'm quiet." He had a point. If he wanted to, he could be as silent as a church mouse. He pulled my hand from his mouth and bit it.

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