Attempt 1: Sucker for You

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King had no idea what he was doing. He had never flirted with anyone before. Even though him and Ram had labeled themselves as 'flirting', they didn't change how they behaved towards each other. The most King would do in an attempt to flirt was give him things. Ram wasn't exactly the most forward person either, making this task that much more difficult.

What was a person with zero life experience in dating to do? In this day and age, the place with the most abundant information was Google. So, that's exactly what King did. He searched for flirting tips and pick up lines all night. Meticulously, he outlined a plan for how he'd flirt with his victim. Every day held a new pick up line with different ideas and everything. King was confident one of these lines would work. If Ram used any of them on him, he'd be blushing all month!

Badly, he wanted to ask his friends for advice. They all refused, which made sense. They weren't going to help someone they had a bet with. His only resources would be the memories of his friends flirting from the past, television, and the internet. That should be more than enough to get him to make his little crush turn a few shades bright.

Eagerly, he wandered through campus and spotted Ram sitting patiently on a bench from afar. There were a few scattered trees wearing bushes and crowning the bench. The bench was right against the pathway, facing the yoga class taking place in the center of the green space ways away. His eyes were retracing his surroundings and trying to find focus. Nothing around him seemed to interest him as he never looked at one place for more than a few moments.

With an amused face, King raced towards him and seated himself closely to him. He did his best to ignore the heat rising to his cheeks when feeling their knees bumping against each other.

"Funny seeing you here," King said in a joking tone. His hands clenched at the bottom of the seat anxiously. It was different planning versus executing. "Easier said than done," was the trademarked phrase. Seeing Ram in person didn't give him the same feeling that practicing in the mirror gave him. His palms started to feel sweaty, and his heart was practically jumping out of his chest.

"We planned to be here," Ram said bluntly while looking over at the nervous boy. His face was his usual, stone cold. Sometimes, you could tell what he was thinking with his eyes, but it wasn't often that they changed.

"And you showed up. Isn't that funny?" King asked with a timid laugh. This totally wasn't awkward at all.

Ram didn't look impressed. Instead, he blankly stared at him and shrugged his shoulders as if to indicate that he was indifferent about the situation.

Feeling the suspense go on for too long, King sunk one of his hands in his pocket and started fumbling around for the two objects he prepared. Two suckers, one blue and one red, were revealed from his jeans and raised in front of them. King handed one to Ram. Hesitantly, he accepted the red one and began sucking and twirling on the object. King licked the blue one shyly.

Out of all the pick up lines he saw, King favored this one the most. It was cheeky and simple. The difficult part was deciding on which flavors to get. They had to be pigmented enough that the pick up line would work and not be a disgusting taste.

"Do you like strawberry flavor? I wasn't sure whether to get strawberry or lemonade, but I felt that strawberry was the stronger choice. I'm not a big fan of blueberry flavors, but this one is alright," King rambled, trying to fill the air with anything but silence.

"I like it," Ram affirmed. King grinned brightly. His assurance gave King a mini boost of confidence.

"Hey. What color is my tongue?" He asked as he stuck out his blue stained tongue.

Ram looked closely at him.

"Blue," he said nonchalantly.

"Let me check the color of your tongue," King nudged. Ram cocked an eyebrow at him but did as he was told, poking out his reddened taste buds.

"Oh. That's definitely red," King said. He felt that scary feeling again now that the main part of the pick up line was getting closer. How was Bohn so bold? After their bet, he needed to ask him for tips in the confidence department.

He was proud of himself for putting forth the bravery in flirting with Ram in the first place. The cold face wasn't the easiest egg to crack, and it could be hard to decipher what he did and didn't like.

Ram nodded his head.

"Want to make our tongues purple?" King asked with a soft smirk grazing upon his lips. Ram locked eyes with him and suddenly plucked the lollipop from between King's fingers. With their eyes still connected, he sucked on King's lollipop.

That wasn't supposed to happen. Ram was supposed to kiss him. Why didn't Ram want to kiss him? The lollipops were without warning. Maybe he had bad breath or something. This wasn't a bad alternative. The way his lips puckered over the round object made King feel tingly inside. But he wasn't supposed to blush, Ram was!

"Is it purple?" Ram asked innocently as he stuck his tongue out. He acted like he had no idea what he was doing. King glanced down at the muscle protruding from his mouth.

"Yeah. It's purple," King said, not knowing whether to feel defeated or titillated.

It was an indirect kiss. But it was better than nothing.

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