Ram is Clueless

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One week had passed since King's blow up at Ram. The entire time, Ram was confused. They were enjoying each other's presence, King mentioned something random, and out of nowhere was angrily accusing Ram of leading him on.

For those seven days, Ram contemplated what could've caused his outbreak. Did he want to be kissed before they parted ways? Maybe he didn't grab his wrist enough. It was possible that King wanted more annoying affection like Bohn and Duen.

But Ram wasn't like that. He didn't see use in acting like King's group of friends when it came to relationships. Romance was more intimate when it was private. He thought they were quite romantic on their own. Not many bros put flowers on each other's heads and admired them. Not many bros share kisses in a tent after drunken confessions. They supported each other through their ups and downs. King was there for Ram during his family crisis, and Ram was his on-call nurse when his head was injured.

It had been 168 hours, and Ram still couldn't figure out what he did wrong. He considered asking his friends for advice but didn't want to trouble them. Besides, if he had to ask his friends for help, how strong was their relationship? They needed to learn how to figure things out on their own.

He shouldn't be sitting on the pavement on the sidewalk. This was around the time that King would eagerly try to start a conversation with him or do something thoughtful like give him a gift or more homework notes. Ram's heart would flutter at just the sight of him and remind him that this was the extraordinary person that understood him better than anyone else. This senior made him want to work on becoming more open and willing to let down his walls that were higher than Mount Everest. From the moment they caught eyes in the library, he knew that they were going to have a unique story. He just didn't think it'd end so soon, so abruptly.

"Penny for your thoughts,"

Hearing a voice comment from above, Ram snapped out of his trance and glanced up to see Duen beaming down at him. His right hand clutched tightly onto a bag with an envelope sticking out at the top of it. If Bohn hadn't been so vocal about it, Ram wouldn't have known that was part of his anniversary gift to his beloved.


"I'm just teasing you," Duen started. He settled himself next to Ram on the sidewalk and gave him a knowing look. "Are you doing alright? I haven't seen you with King recently."

His heart sank at the mention of his name. King. The king that ruled his heart. He was also the ruler of miscommunication, presumptions, and declarations. King didn't even give him a chance to defend himself. Merciless. He was the king of mercilessness too. Ram was under the impression he'd be a believer in second chances. Somewhere, he hoped that was true.

"I'm fine," Ram insisted.

It wasn't anyone else's business what they were going through. It wasn't like Duen ever went to him for relationship advice. Then again, if Bohn did anything wrong, he would be waiting for another punch in the face! It was probably for the best that Duen didn't come to him. Besides the silent, not-so-silent, feud between him and his boyfriend, Ram didn't have much dating experience. It wouldn't make sense for anyone to ask for his advice.

"Are you sure?" Duen asked with concern. Ram nodded weakly.

From the look Duen gave him, he knew something was up but decided not to press further.

"Okay. Well, I just wanted to invite you to Tee's brother's wedding. He said they want it to be a huge event," Duen said.

Ram wasn't sure he was up for a celebration of love. And Tee wasn't a close friend of his anyway. Shouldn't he have invited him personally if it was his brother's wedding? The last wedding he had attended resulted in him leaving early and feeling as if he wasted time. He found them to be boring. If he was going to a friend's wedding, he was sure to be happy for him or her, but when it was your third cousin whom you haven't seen in ten years, it felt pretentious.

"I don't think I can make it," Ram lied.

"I haven't even told you the date yet," Duen chuckled. Ram looked away. "King will be there," he added gently.

That definitely grabbed his attention.

Weddings were romantic. If there was to be a perfect setting to settle love, it was at a wedding. Weddings celebrated the commencement of love and promise. In sickness and in health, for better or for worse. They were in their worse now, but Ram could make it better. He just had to figure out what to do.

"When did you say it was?"

"It's tomorrow at 3pm. Be there or be square," Duen grinned.


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