Attempt 3: Bedroom Talk

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"Any luck yet?"

That had been the question King was dreading to hear. Though he had only tried twice at this point, he already felt like a bit of a failure. It made him question how much they actually liked each other if Ram couldn't even muster a little rose on his cheeks. So, when Boss asked this question on their walk to class, King couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Luck with what?" King asked. It was easier to play dumb than swallow his pride and admit he couldn't get his almost boyfriend to blush like a schoolgirl.

"The bet. Do you have a photo of your junior turning pink yet?" a smirk grazed his friend's face. He knew the answer to that question. That jerk just wanted King to admit it.

"Oh, that? I forgot we had that bet. Thanks for reminding me. I'll get a photo of him today," King said casually. Wisps of his hair blew into his face from the gust of winds outside. Annoyed, he spit his hair out of his mouth.

"What a convenient excuse you have, but you forget I'm your friend, King. You don't forget anything. Heck, just the other day you drunkenly recounted every time Ram spoke to you," Boss said, clearly unconvinced of his white lie. Well, it wasn't really a white lie. It was a blatant lie.

King just looked away from him and turned left to drag the door of the building. His silence told Boss he'd been right.

It was late at night, and Ram had been surprisingly responsive to King's messages. He'd been better at texting back after they decided to start flirting with each other. King appreciated the effort he put into their relationship, even if it was something as small as a text message.

Ram was one dry texter. Seldom did he put effort into continuing the conversation. King was the one to ask all the questions and give thoughtful responses. Occasionally, he'd message him a photo of himself or something he admired. Ram was just as short in his texts as he was his speech. Still, one response was better than no response.

Just finishing up his last raid in Minecraft for the night, King checked his phone and saw that he hadn't messaged Ram in over an hour. Building a little world in survival mode can really be distracting. He settled his console aside and crashed on his couch, raising his phone close to his face.

All day, King realized he was given no opportunity to flirt with Ram. School had kept him plenty busy with an assortment of tests and group assignments coming up. When King saw Ram on campus, instead of running up to annoy him, he had to keep walking. He hated the times school became the most hectic.

King thought of how he could potentially make Ram blush. If he were successful, which was becoming more doubtful, he'd have to capture his face. Without thinking, he began FaceTimin him. To his surprise, Ram answered his call.

"Ai'Ning...what're you doing?" King asked gently.

His screen opened to a view of Ram sitting against a white wall, wearing a black tank top and allowing his bangs to sweep across his forehead. His rugged demeanor made him look charming in his own way. King wished he wore his hair like that more often.

Ram lowered his camera to show a green bowl of noodles with a fork stuck inside.

"In bed eating ramen," he answered in a tired voice. Concerned, King checked the time. Crud! He didn't realize he had called him at midnight. They still had school the next day too. King decided he'd make this conversation brief.

"What would you do if I was in bed next to you?" King asked in a cheeky voice and with a cute smile.

He knew what he'd do if Ram was in his bed. Besides being happy with his presence, he'd grab hold and snuggle him until he fell asleep. After Ram moved out, he felt lonelier and missed their late-night cuddles.

"Eat my ramen," Ram focused the camera back on his face.

King's smile fell. "What if the ramen wasn't there?"

"Then I'd go get some," Ram said, not understanding the point of this conversation.

King huffed. Why was he being so difficult? Ram didn't want to think about them holding each other? In the past, he had been the one to initiate it. Now, it felt like Ram didn't care what they did.

"What flavor is it?" King asked in a subtly saddened tone, not wanting to alarm the boy in his phone.


Disinterested and realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere tonight, King sat up and stretched out. "I'm going to hit the hay. Goodnight,"

Ram hung up on him. He didn't even wish him goodnight back!

With a huff, exited out of their messages and went to check his Facebook. He glared at the blank face that popped through his feed. King couldn't understand why he was being so cruel. If Ram was shy about flirting, surely he would blush. Was King being too cheesy? That was part of the charm of trying to woo someone.

He considered the kind of person Ram was. Shy, selectively mute, moral, and honest were all qualities he possessed. The first word was the important one. Shy. Ram's avoidance of flirtations could be due to his shy nature. King would have to do something to make Ram more comfortable with him.

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