Hush Hush Hush Blush Blush Blush

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It was decided by both parties that, to avoid confusion, there would no longer be pick up lines. Instead, they were to directly say what was on their minds. King didn't like using them anyway. Google was useless. All it had to say was to be more communicative, but instead suggested more trouble than it was worth. Every couple was different, therefore, treating them all the same would not lead with the same results or outcomes.

Things had been better between them since their new agreement. Ram was able to understand King and respond appropriately to what he said. King's personal favorite example was last week.

"Ai'Ning," King had said to him when they had met up in front of his classroom one morning before class started. Just outside the doorway, they had been talking about which fertilizer worked best for the newest plant King had gifted Ram.

"Hm?" Ram titled his head at the boy.

"Can you kiss my cheek before I go to class? It will bring me luck for my test," King said smugly. He bubbled his right cheek and leaned towards his boyfriend's face.

Ram raised an eyebrow at him and waited to see if he was serious or not. Apparently, he was serious. With a bashful smile, he happily planted a chaste kiss to his soft face. A quick spark zapped their skin. Thank you kinetic energy.

"Did you feel that? We really do make magic," King smiled and waved Ram off to his doom. Tests these days were becoming increasingly difficult.

King and Bohn waited patiently, with their friends, at the canteen for their boyfriends to arrive, promising that they'd eat lunch with them. Bohn had a special privilege over Ram now, guilt privilege. Whenever Ram tried to say something bad, Bohn would remind him what he did to King. It wasn't nice, and King kept telling him to stop, but he wouldn't. He said it was his only way to defend himself.

"Duen!" Bohn leapt for joy at the sight of his beloved and latched onto his waist like a grubby child. Duen tried to pry him off, but it was no use.

"P'Bohn, let go," Duen complained. Bohn refused with a shake of his head and nuzzled his face deeper into his stomach, leaning over the table and clung to his standing boyfriend like a sloth to a branch.

"Ai'Ning, you look really handsome today," King complimented as he stopped in front of him.

Ram suddenly looked far different from his white complexion. His entire head became a tomato. Everyone stared in shock.

"Woah! He's blushing," Boss gasped.

Ram's hand reached for his face and blushed harder; somehow, that was possible. King grinned. He had finally accomplished his goal.

"Yes! You all owe me 300 baht!" King cheered with a raised fist in the air. Victory at last!

"Technically, you owe us 300 baht. Your week expired two weeks ago," Tee pointed out.

As for the bet, no one made King pay. They felt too bad for him after seeing him disheartened for the week Ram and him spent apart. They didn't want to make him lose more pride than he already had. It was a week of rejection and an additional week apart. Two weeks of too much drama.

"Baht for what?" Ram muttered. The table hushed. No one told him about the bet, did they? It was King's funeral. Twelve eyes examined the engineer. There was no way they were telling him. Well, Boss wanted to but was having his thigh pinched by Mek from under the table.

King gulped and nervously smiled at the crowd. As much as he wanted to lie, he knew that it would make the situation worse.

"Haha, I, okay it's a funny story really. I mean, you should've been there. You would've been laughing your head off if you were there," King rambled. Ram's expression changed seriously. Boss couldn't take it anymore!

"He made a bet he could make you blush, and we didn't think he could!" Boss said. He yelped at Bohn's blow to the back of his head.

Ram held back a smirk. "How did that work for you?"

"The blushing part? Unsuccessfully until now. Wait, why are you blushing? I've called you many things before," King acknowledged.

"Because..." Ram looked at the ground and twitched his fingers by his sides.

"I think it's because we're around," Duen said.

King wanted to slap Ram in that moment. He was being told that all he had to do was compliment him in front of his friends, and he could've won 1,200 baht?! Why didn't he think of this sooner? Teasing in front of others was the very basics of making someone blush, whether you were dating them or not.

Boss let out a hardy laugh. "All of that just to find out he gets people shy! Wow! Your luck sucks King," Boss cackled. Mek slapped the back of his head and covered his mouth. Someone was being a naughty wife. Boss pouted and licked Mek's hand, resulting in him immediately pulling away with a disgusted look.

"You know, husband, they say happy wife, happy life. Don't think you can tame this wild maiden!" Boss declared. Mek covered his mouth again, this time not removing himself when Boss licked his palm again.

"You've licked in worse places," Mek said bluntly.

"And that's what we call too much information. Thank goodness you have more shame than them Ram. Take your embarrassment as a good thing," Tee encouraged him. Ram nodded his head and clutched onto King's wrist.

"What? I thought we were eating with my friends today," King complained. Ram shook his head and insisted he followed him. King complied and was taken to the place he had laid that not winning flower pick up line on him.

In front of them was a burberry blanket framed with scattered flowers, spread on the ground and a basket with mysterious contents. A couple white plates with gold lining were stacked against the box.

"What's this?" King smiled sweetly and settled himself on the blanket. Ram disappeared from one of the trees and came back with a shovel and a flower in his hair. He descended next to King comfortably.

"I am a flower," he said lowly while handing him the shovel. King giggled at his goofiness.

"I thought we weren't doing pick up lines anymore," King said. Ram gave him an expectant look. With glee, he took the shovel and 'dug' the flower out of Ram's hair. He carefully plucked the flower from the tool and placed it between them.

"You don't have to keep apologizing. You've been doing this all week," he said.

"I know. But then I wouldn't have an excuse to have my clothes one hundred percent off at your place," Ram smirked.

"Ai'Ning!" King blushed and shoved him playfully with his shoulder.

Ram could be very sweet when he wanted to be. King wished he would do this just because and not just to apologize. In a way, he had in the past. Even something as simple as giving him the orange juice he craved was a nice gesture.

Ram pulled out food from the basket and readied it on their plates.

"I like you," King said randomly. Ram paused and let a smile break out on his face.

"I like you too,"

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