Chapter One

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Hello Dear Readers!

Welcome to this story. As you all read from the story description, this is my own take on The Quarterback episode, and I'll also be exploring events before and after. This is technically a Klaine fic... so enjoy!

 Some notes... Blaine graduated high school and now in New York and so Is Finn. Rachel and Finn aren't together. Also there is a cause of death here unlike the original episode/show. So yeah there are a lot of changes in this fic and obviously is not fully loyal to the original plot of glee :)

Warning for this chapter: Violence & Gay slurs

PS: I know this might still be a touchy subject for some of ya'll, and this story is not intended to disrespect Cory what so ever. I just really wanted to write an alternative plot, circled around Klaine. 

PSS: I will update/ post every Friday!

With that being said, without Further Ado... The Endgame.


Chapter one: Endgame

"Finn please?" Kurt pleads. It was currently two in the morning and as Kurt was about to sleep, he first of course did his Night regimen and found out that a very important moisturizer was empty. "I really need more moisturizer!"

"Can you really not skip this one time?"

Kurt glares at Finn. That death glare that Kurt knew terrified Finn. He stood up and held his hands up in surrender. "Ok fine." He says and walks to his coat that was hang up in the chair. "But you owe me a red bull. "

"Yes, okay." Kurt agreed and practically dragged Finn out of the door and out of the building. They were eventually walking down the almost empty streets of New York. As they walk further Kurt couldn't shake the feeling that they were being followed, or at least watched. Kurt stopped and looked around. "Kurt, you ok?" Finn asked. "Yeah, let's go," They continued walking, the further they walked the weirder Kurt felt. Kurt just shrugged off the eerie feeling. As they neared a dark alley way, two men came out, obviously wasted.

All men kinda just looked at each other for a moment and when Finn tried to get passed the drunk men but they wouldn't let them pass. "Look man we don't want trouble." Finn said and tried to get around them with no avail. Finn tried again with a little bit force but got shoved backward. 

"Let's just go Finn." Kurt turned around and froze. two more men were behind them. Just as drunk as the two others.

"You fags never get it do you?" The guy's words were slurred but still understandable.

"Don't call him that." Finn said with a warning tone. The man eyed Finn and just starred at him, and out of no where the man punched Kurt on the jaw, that's when hell broke loose. Finn blew punches here and there, and Kurt did too thanks to his combat classes in NYADA but the men were stronger and before both Finn and him knew it they were in the dark, dingy alleyway fighting four drunk men. Kurt got the upper hand and started punching the men wherever he can, for a moment he believed that he and Finn could make it out here with only minor injuries, but then he suddenly felt something hit his head, heard something shatter, then felt (or assumed) blood trickling down his face, he looked down and sees pieces of glass and drops of blood on the cement. His head was spinning, and his ears were buzzing and then he dropped on the floor. They kicked him punched him but when Finn started screaming and fight more, the men beating Kurt went over to beat Finn. Kurt somehow gained composure and started to stand with the support of the wall. He looked over to Finn and he was still fighting but four men against one was obviously unfair and they eventually held Finn down. They locked eyes and Finn nodded, and Kurt knew he needed to get help but he didn't want to leave Finn alone, Kurt panicked and contemplated, he looked back and fourth between the streets and Finn and with a final nod from Finn, he decided to run. The last thing he would see would forever hunt him. Kurt took a final glance at the alleyway once he was in the streets. One of the men reached inside his pocket and took out a pocket knife. Kurt seriously wanted to go back and he actually started to but Finn shook his head, his features were softened, but it twisted into pain when a pocket knife stabbed him in the side. Kurt let out a horrified scream and when the men noticed him, he ran.

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