Chapter Three

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Chapter three: Can't feel, won't feel.

Kurt jerked awake from another nightmare, Blaine's arms still wrapped around him. He smiled and lay his head on top of Blaine's head, staring at the window, watching busy New York. He sighed, unlike hours before, Kurt was numb, He didn't feel, He couldn't or he would break even more. He slowly unwrapped Blaine's arms and hopped of the bed. He went to the kitchen and prepared bagels and cream cheese, when the bagels were toasted he sat down on the dining table with his coffee, which was stronger than usual because he needed it, he needed alcohol (He's twenty-two, he's legal)  too but he figured it was too early for that. He sighed as the scent of coffee hit his nostrils. Then he heard noise from the bedroom, which meant Blaine was awake and as if in cue he walked out the room with bed hair.


Kurt just looked up at him in acknowledgement and pushed the plate full of toasted bagels towards him.

"Thanks." He sat across Kurt and ate quietly. Then without a word Kurt stood up and poured coffee in a mug and gave it to Blaine. Blaine took a sip and grimaced at the strong taste of the coffee. "It's super strong."

"Oh, yeah sorry about that."

"It's fine, I can just add sugar of something."

Kurt nodded and returned his attention to the blog currently opened on his phone. After a few minutes of silence Kurt decided to speak. "You okay?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?"

Kurt shrugged and continued to read the blog, he then heard a sigh coming out of Blaine  and looked up at him. "I'm fine, it hurts you know? He was also like a brother to me and he also considered me as his bro." He chuckled. "But I'm fine." I have to, for you.

And as if Kurt read Blaine's mind, "You don't have to be strong for me." He sighed and Blaine just nodded. "Any plans for today?"

"school and probably vogue if I still have time after." 


"I'm going to school Blaine!" He snapped and Blaine winced at the volume of Kurt's voice. "I gotta go get ready."

Blaine nodded and watched Kurt walk away. When Kurt came out of the room, neatly dressed with a fresh bandage on his head and Blaine was already waiting in the couch already ready. "Your coming?" Kurt asked him. "Yeah." Blaine responded and took both his and Kurt's bags and handed Kurt's bag. They walked the New York streets together in silence. Blaine already missed the hand holding and the rambling. He just walked beside him. When they arrived at NYADA, before Blaine could say goodbye and give him a kiss before they separated ways -Since Kurt was a senior, one year higher than Blaine.- He disappeared into the crowd of people, Blaine frowned and walked to his class.

Welp, school was a bad idea, word traveled fast, so the whole day Kurt kept receiving  condolences and sorry for your losses and to top it all off, Rachel ignored him the whole day, which was fine because he knew if he engaged in a conversation, venom would come out of her. He also avoided Blaine the whole day, so five hours later he exited the building and walked through the city. He walked to the office which wasn't really that far from NYADA. Just like in school, word traveled fast, Kurt was again receiving condolences and he would just smile politely at them. Kurt left Vogue around seven and went home. When he arrived, Blaine was sitting on the couch watching a show. He turned to Kurt and smiled when he felt his presence, and Kurt just nods in acknowledgement.

"Where were you?"


"You didn't text me."

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