Chapter Four

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Chapter four: Hero

They both arrived in Dayton airport around ten am, their suitcases on their hands. The rest of the week was pure hell, Kurt was withdrawn, he snapped in any moment given not only at Blaine but also at his classmates and colleagues. Blaine and him fought every night because Kurt would come home late, to the point where Blaine (And Santana) would worry and last night he came home not only late, but wasted. Then he proceeded to throw up everywhere and he broke down when he realized that it was drunk men who hurt him and took his brother away, and Blaine just held him and even though he was drunk he felt, and Blaine was glad that Kurt at least got some things out, but of course he forgot about all if  it and was now sporting a hangover.

They didn't utter a single word since, well... last night. Kurt was extra moody today and Blaine couldn't help but worry, but he said nothing. They walked to the exit and saw Burt waiting for them. Blaine shot him a polite smile and Kurt just walk past him, without acknowledgement, placed his suitcase on the trunk and went inside the car without any word. Both Blaine and Burt looked at each other with worried faces but eventually they joined Kurt and drove to Kurt's childhood home. When they arrived Kurt didn't lighten up at all,on the contrary he became more irritated and moody, since Burt kept asking him questions and Kurt never answered them, making the drive awkward every time. When they entered the house, Kurt immediately stomped his way to his old bedroom, clutching his suitcase tight.

Kurt sat on his bed and starred at the ceiling  while listening to voices talking from downstairs. He sighed and sat up. He starred blankly at the closed door of the room across from his. He stood up and walked towards the door and turned the nob. Soon as he did, Kurt was greeted with Finn's scent. Usually he would avoid his room at all cost but this time was different, he entered and closed the door behind him. The scent was not as strong before so it made it tolerable. He sat down on the middle of the room and just closed his eyes, listening to muffled conversations downstairs. A few minutes later he decided he was hungry and started to head downstairs, and as soon as he did the the two of them went silent and just looked at Kurt. Kurt raised an eyebrow and walked to the kitchen. He felt someone standing there, but he wasn't really sure who it was but then Burt cleared his throat and he turned around. "Are you okay?"

"You've been asking me since I got here."

"And you ignored me since you got here."

Kurt sighed and took a bite of his food. "I don't know what to feel dad." He sighed. "Is there a way to feel?"

"No. Just be aware of the people around you cause you might be hurting some people." Kurt nodded and stared at his dad as he walked out the kitchen. God Rachel was right I'm so fucking selfish!  He scoffed and placed his plate down with a loud clang and stomped to the coat rack, putting on his coat.

"Kurt? where are you going?" Blaine asked concerned.


"You-you can't, Burt help me out here!"

"Blaine's right, it's late you shouldn't go anywhere, plus Carole will be back soon." Kurt just ignored both men and proceeded to walk out the door, Kurt was out their lawn when Blaine called after him.

"Kurt!" Kurt looked back and saw Blaine jog towards him. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know."

"You should come back I- It's not safe out here."

"Neither is New York."

Blaine's face softened. "Oh Kurt..."

"I just have to walk around... I'll be back I promise."

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