Chapter Two

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Warning for this chapter: Language and Suicidal thoughts.

(P.S: I'm sorry)

Chapter two: How could you love me?

They all stayed there when the doctor walked away. Kurt still stayed frozen and silent but tears freely flowing as memories of hours before were remembered. This wasn't happening right? Kurt just had a conversation with his brother five hour ago. This wasn't real. He was dreaming and waiting to awake "This was all your fault." Kurt snapped out his thoughts as Rachel spoke. "I heard you you asking Finn to go with you to buy a fucking moisturizer!"

"Rachel." He whispered taking a step forward, but Rachel moved back. "Please." He pleaded softly, not really sure what he was pleading for.

"No." She shook her head. "This is all your fault." She said. "And everyone thinks so." She said, anger evident in her voice.

Kurt looked around his friends. "Artie?" He asked his voice barely a whisper. "Um, I think if you just skipped tonight of your routine, maybe Finn would still be..." He trailed off and ducked his head.

"Sam?" He asked.

"Rachel's right." He sighed. "If you just had skipped tonight, and I know your routine is sacred to you, it's just..." He trailed off, trying to find the right words but just getting frustrated. "I don't know ok! I don't know!" He exclaimed and sat down.

He turns to Mercedes, his eyes pleading. "Mercedes?" She didn't answer, just ducked her head, avoiding eye contact. Kurt was crying hard because even though he blamed himself it was to painful to handle hearing it from his friends. He turned to Santana who was still holding his hand, deep in thought. "Santana?"

"What?" She snapped out of her thoughts. She looked around, trying to remember their current conversation. When she realized it though, her eyes widened and she stood in front of Kurt and held both of his hands. "No!" She shook her head. "None of this is your fault. Don't listen to them." She turned to their friends and glared at them, especially at Rachel who responded her glare with an eye roll. "It's not your fault okay?" Kurt didn't answer, he just starred at the hospital floor. Santana squeezes his hands and offers him a sad smile and sat down the plastic chairs, hugged herself, just starring at the blank wall.

"Blaine?" Kurt looks up and asked Blaine, the look on Kurt's eyes broke Blaine's heart. Kurt's eyes were filled with emotion from sadness to hurt, confusion to guilt, there was so many other emotions that Blaine couldn't really read. His heart broke for this boy, Blaine hasn't seen Kurt this upset or this vulnerable since their break-up. Blaine faced him and wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck. "No, it's not your fault." He turns to their friends and back to Kurt and cupped his face. "None of this is your fault. You did nothing wrong-"

He was interrupted by Rachel's scoff. "Of course your siding with him, he's your fucking boyfriend!" She screamed, catching attention from other people.Blaine turned and stayed in front of Kurt, covering him slightly. "Your boyfriend is the most selfish person I've ever met! you really couldn't skip your fucking nightly routine could't you?" Rachel stepped forward towards the couple. "I heard you forcing Finn to go with you! Couldn't you just go by yourself if you really needed that moisturizer! You should've gone alone you would have been the one beaten into a pulp and stabbed! not Finn! And that would have done us all a favor by you disapear-"

Rachel was interrupted by a sting on her cheek, she gasped dramatically and turned back and saw Blaine pointing at her. "Don't you ever, ever talk to Kurt like that." Blaine said slowly in a warning voice. "I know your hurt, but don't you ever say that Kurt deserved that cause he doesn't!" His voice was now rising. "YOU, RACHEL BERRY YOUR THE MOST SELFISH PERSON IN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD."He snapped when Rachel chuckled sarcastically and rolled her eyes. Kurt's eyes widened even more, if that was even possible. Blaine never hurt anyone physically, only for maybe self defense and Blaine certainly didn't swear often."YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON AND SELF CENTERED BITCH, IT'S LIKE THE WHOLE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND YOU. FYI BERRY! IT DOESN'T AND FRANKLY YOU SAYING KURT DESERVED IT AND WOULD BE DOING A HUGE FAVOR TO THE WORLD IF HE WAS IN THIS SITUATION INSTEAD OF FINN IS LOW!" 

"Don't talk to Rachel like that!" Brody defended and tried to punch Blaine but stopped by Santana, she caught Brody's wrist in the air. "Don't you dare Pablo Escobar." She warned and glared at him as Brody yanked his hands from her grasp in defeat. Their fight was interrupted when Carole and Burt arrived. They cried as they walked towards the group. Kurt ran to the safety of his father's arms. Burt quickly wrapped his arms around his son. "Shh it's okay, your safe."His father soothed. A few minutes later he pulled away from his father's embrace and turned to Carole. Guilt flooded through his veins when he saw her, broken. Kurt threw his own pain in the back on his head and embraced Carole who sobbed in his arms as Burt greeted the group. "I'm sorry." Kurt whispered. Carole looked at him confused. "It's all my fault, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry." Kurt cried and Carole cupped his face, "Listen to me,look at me." Kurt didn't, he couldn't. "Kurt, look at me." She repeated firmly. After a few seconds of contemplating he looked at Carole and he winced from the eye contact but held that eye contact forcing himself to look at her. "It's not your fault, okay?" Kurt nodded just to stop looking at her eyes. Carole embraced him again and they stayed like that, both crying, surrounded by friends and family also mourning of the lose of  someone important to their lives.

"Mr. Kurt Hummel?" A foreign voice called.


"We're the police, we would like to ask you some questions. If that's okay with you of course."

"Yeah, it's okay."

After the police asked questions, Kurt found himself riding a cab back to the loft with Blaine. He reluctantly left the hospital but by Carol and Burt's instance, he left with Blaine and was heading to the loft. Blaine slid the door open and they entered. Kurt avoided to look around and just entered his room immediately and shut the door behind him. Blaine sighed and sat on the couch. He glanced at the closed door of Kurt's room and decided he needed space for now. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Kurt shut the door of his room and collapsed on his bed. He starred at his ceiling and cried softly and if he wasn't doing that he sobbed but the sound was muffled by his pillow. He alternated between the two and hours later he was starring at his vanity. He cried harder as memories invaded his mind. Rachel was right about everything, and was it really that bad if he just disappeared- No! He said to himself. We are not going back there! Kurt sighed and eyed his vanity. Before he knew what was happening, he was standing and facing his vanity. He looked at his reflection and winced at himself. His eyes were puffy and red from the hours of crying, his lips were dry and tear tracks fell down his face. He looked at the products on the table and he took the empty container and looked at it, anger took over him, he threw the container across the room and then he slid his hands across the table, knocking everything on the desk. Including a picture frame that contained a picture of him and Blaine. He picked a piece of glass from the frame and starred at it. Maybe it wasn't to bad if I was just dead. But before he could do anything Blaine busted through the door. "Kurt, drop that!" Kurt snapped out of his trans and dropped the shard and starred at his hands and back to Blaine and he broke down. Blaine rushed to Kurt's side and wrapped his arms around Kurt.

"I'm sorry." Kurt chocked out.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay." Blaine soothed and swayed them both. Blaine was worried for Kurt and his heart broke for him. "It's okay, your okay, we'll be okay." That seemed to calm Kurt down as he melted in Blaine's embrace. "I love you." Blaine whispered.

"How could you?" Kurt asked.

Blaine frowned. "What do you mean?"

"How could you love me? Especially after what I did."

"You did nothing wrong, I love you Kurt, I'll always love you."

"What if Rachel was right?" He whispered.

Blaine's eyes widened. "Kurt listen and I really need you to listen. None of this is your fault, who would've guessed that there would be guys in that alley way, no one knew, neither you or Finn. And Rachel is wrong you disappearing is not the solution, it will only cause greater heart break for Carole,your dad and it will kill me if you leave me Kurt, and I'm pretty sure Finn would not like that either.

Oh. Kurt never thought of that.

"So please Kurt, don't." Blaine's voice broke and tears were falling down. "Don't leave me." Blaine was now sobbing which made Kurt feel bad, Blaine hugged him tighter as if Kurt would disappear if he lets go. "Please promise me Kurt."

"I promise Blaine." He smiles sadly. "I love you."

"I love you too." And with that they both drifted to sleep.

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