Chapter Six

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Chapter six: The Quarterback

"Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?"

Three weeks of the day since his funeral and it's the first time i had the courage to even look at the suit I wore to it, and now back to Lima foe a special memorial Mr. Shue 's planning. We're all coming back, everyone who can, being together is hard, It makes it more real, but I also need my friend's right now. People keep asking me how he died, how are you feeling? What are you feeling? I have no answers, honestly what do you say about a  twenty year old who dies. Everyone wants to talk about how he died too, but who cares? One moment in his life  I care more about how he lived and anyone who has a problem with that should remember that he was my brother. This isn't real, I'm not going home for this, he's going to be there, I'm going to spend my whole life missing him.

The former and current New Directions members preformed Seasons of Love from Rent in the auditorium. After that they all just stayed in the choir room, sharing stories, laughing and crying. The former members shared tips and stories with the new members and just had a great time together. There was still people missing like Rachel and Quinn who would arrive later that week. They talked about Finn and the time he was in glee club, poking fun at many love triangles he was involved with, and there were stories of him being the heart of the glee club, because he was. Kurt was now comfortable being vulnerable, not completely but he would openly cry and Blaine would always hold him and he would hold Blaine when he would fall apart. But now they were sitting far from each other since Kurt asked for space and Blaine reluctantly agreed.

Since Kurt came back their connection was somehow stronger, they spent the whole day together the day he came back, laughing, talking and crying. He also made amends with his friends, everything was finally okay. Kurt still had nightmares but Blaine would hold him and sing to him when he was really shaken up and Kurt would still cry and sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night, lock himself in the bathroom and sob, and per usual Blaine would be there from the other side of the door he would sing to him and when he came down they would return to bed and hold each other. Blaine also had his moments, Kurt would wake up and Blaine would be sitting up with tears on his eyes and Kurt would just wrap his arms around him and sing to him. This was them, they exactly knew how to make each other feel better.

The next day they all sat down as Mr. Schue wrote 'Finn' on the board. "I'm really glad that so many of you could come back for this."

"We wouldn't miss it for anything Mr. Schue." Mike said.

"The funeral was for everyone, but I wanted to do something  just for us, to memorialize him the only way we know how... By singing." He  sighed. "All week long. Anyone who wants to can come up and sing. Maybe a song he sung? Maybe something that reminds you of him?"

"Singing isn't gonna bring him back." Puck said out of nowhere. 

"No it's not." Mr. Schue responded. "Nothing is. Not ever" He took a deep breath and spoke once more. "But for two minutes or so, we can maybe remember all the best parts of him. So, think of what you wanna sing, if you wanna sing and we'll start tomorrow."

"No, no I-I can't wait until tomorrow Mr. Schue." Mercedes stood up in front of everyone. "I've been bawling for 3 weeks, if I don't get this all out now, I don't think I'll ever stop crying." Kurt shot her with a sympathetic smile as she whispers something to Brad. "Sure Mercedes, start us off." Mr. Schue said. "Um, I uh, remember Finn telling me that he sang this song to his baby's sonogram." Kurt smiled at lame attempt of him trying to get closer with Finn and the memory when he played the piano while he sang. "Well he thought it was his baby, he was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us and he was... our leader in here. We love you Finn. Then the first few bars of the song started.

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