Chapter Five

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Chapter five: Run

Blaine and Kurt went back to New York but they would have to eventually go back to Ohio after NYADA'S annual fund raising event because Mr. Shue decided to hold a memorial. Kurt's mood shifted after hearing plans about the memorial and busied himself, distracting himself, working or doing school work until the morning and Blaine was beyond worried now. He was still snappy, he even snapped at Santana and they had a huge fall out, resulting in Santana leaving. Blaine came home from school and was not surprised to see him in the dinning table, papers everywhere. He sighed and picked up the papers that was on the ground. Blaine decided to distract himself with making dinner. When he was finished he handed Kurt a plate and he sat across him. Blaine was already half way done when he noticed that Kurt didn't even touch his food yet.

"Okay that's it!" Kurt looked up at Blaine. "You have to stop burning yourself out Kurt!"

"Leave me alone."

"No! Every time I come home your always here, papers everywhere and you would stay up until the morning and this is not healthy anymore!"


"COME BACK TO ME!" Blaine screamed back and Kurt looked taken aback at his response. "I wan't the old Kurt back, I-I wan't my Kurt back." 

"That Kurt is probably gone by now."

"N-no." Blaine sobbed and it was like daggers to Kurt's heart. "He-he's not gone! he's still t-there, I know i-it!"

"Maybe." He stood up and went inside his room,  He looked around then an idea hit him, he took a duffel bag he owned and filled it with clothes and essentials, minutes later he emerged with a duffel bag hang on his shoulders.  "W-where are you going?" He looked at the duffel bag and back to Kurt and everything must have been written all over Kurt's face because in moments Blaine was walking towards him. "No, No, No."

"I have to go Blaine, at least for some days, I need time to think and straighten myself out."

"No, no." 

"Don't do this Blaine, do you see what's happening here!"


"I'm hurting everyone around me! I'm hurting you!"

"No- no your not."

"I am." He sighed and rubbed Blaine's arms. "I'll just be gone for a few days."

"Where are you going?"


"You can't do that Kurt! You can't leave and not tell me where your going!"

"I can and I am."

"I-Kurt." Blaine tried but Kurt was already out the door, taking a cab to central park and checking in a cheap hotel that the New Directions checked in during nationals. He sighed and drooped to the bed and sighed, then he started to sob and the worst part about it was that Blaine wasn't there to hold him. He ordered room service and it wasn't too bad. He just ate and watched the tv and the whole time his phone was blowing up with texts and call, he just ignored it and cried himself to sleep, missing Blaine's arms around him.

2 Days Later

Kurt was still staying in the hotel and he did go to school and every time he would see Blaine, with pleading eyes he would turn around and walked away and Blaine didn't even bother following him. Even his friends started to worry about him and Kurt would always walk away when they approached him.

2 More Days Later

Nothing Really changed, Kurt would ignored everyone and but so much thinking happened in four days, he just needed more time and he would probably be okay. Probably. He was now in central park, under his favorite tree, reading a book. It was a sunny day, kids where playing some tourists were walking through the park and a couple was getting married in the distance. He smiled and wen't back to his book. A silhouette was then in front of him and looked up and saw Rachel standing above him. "May I?" She asked.

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