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SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

Dracos POV-

That muggle sat at the front of class today. She seems to be catching on. Thank god. I saw her at breakfast all alone and although I hate to admit it, a piece of me felt bad. I know what it's like to be alone. If not in school then at home.

Cedric soon joined her. That Hufflepuff brat that thinks he's above everybody just because he has a pretty face. Pfft. He wouldn't last a minute in the real world.

Gosh they look awkward together but Goyle won't shut up in my ear so I cant eavesdrop on what they're saying.

He just keeps on talking nonsense into my ear. I nicked a fairy from one of that oaf Hagrid's chests. It's a menacing fairy and was happy to get out. It worked out quite nicely for our little scare. I didn't mean for it to actually draw blood, rather to scare her but it's down now.

Pfft, her helping hand ended her in some bother!

All I can see is the back of her head as she scribbles down everything Snape is saying. Gosh she's a try hard too.



  I waited for five minutes for Cedric to show up but it didn't look like he was coming so I packed back up my stuff and headed towards the door when Draco suddenly walked in. I gasped as I nearly crashed into him again. He was alone this time.

I stepped aside and briskly walked past before he called out to me.

"Waiting for someone then?" He half sneered.

I turned to face him. "No, I just came here to look at the bulletin board." I lied.

"Not meeting a certain Cedric are we?" He asks. The mean tone seems to be nearly gone from his voice.

"Why would that concern you even if I was?" I huffed.

"It wouldn't-I, I just want Cedric to know what he's getting into, what you are."

I felt anger rising inside of me, one of the first real emotions I had felt since I arrived.

"Oh and you know is it!" I raised my voice.

His eyes glistened and he slightly smiled at my response. "Not yet."

"I have somewhere to be." I grunt as I spin on my heel.

"He's not coming." He called after me. I stopped and turned. Does he mean Cedric?

"I saw him just before I came here, heading to Hogsmeade with some of his scum."  He kicked a piece of invisible dirt with his feet.

I gulped. Had Cedric really stood me up? The one person I thought I was beginning to trust.
   "I-I...wasn't...I didn't expect him to." I  lowered my eyes to the ground. How had I been so stupid.

"Whatever." He sniffed as he adjusted his footing. He was a completely different person when away from his posse. "That thing...well it wasn't really meant to uhm...bite?" He uncomfortable shuffled.

I looked down at my now plastered finger and clenched my jaw. "Whatever." I sighed.

"This doesn't mean that we are friends mudblood!" He finished as he suddenly walked towards and past me. "My father will have you out quicker than you can say it!" And he disappeared.

"Ok." I sighed to myself. Right now he became second on my worry list. Cedric standing me up as much as I didn't want to admit it, was number one.

I headed back to the common room and sat alone for hours until I fell asleep on the sofa. Bad idea.


Draco's POV-

I ran into the mudblood in the hall. Well I knew she was going there. I spotted Cedric and told him that she had been invited to Hogsmeade by some of the girls she had met in potions class. The fool believed me and headed down to look for her. Hah!

I just wanted to apologise of sorts for the bite. It genuinely was an accident. I have began to accept that maybe she isn't a muggle. It is actually impossible that she would indeed be able to see, let alone enter Hogwarts if she was. She's just a mudblood like Granger.

But I have decided to keep my guard up because I am not fully convinced yet. I somewhat apologised, it will do.

I was curious as to what loners do in their free time so I followed her from a distance. She could be plotting anything. She disappeared into the common room and didn't come out for hours not even onto the balcony. I got bored and headed back to the Slytherin common room to keep an eye on the balcony.


My eyes shutter open slowly. They're so dry once again as a bright sunlight shines onto me. I yawn and stretch out my limbs.
Oh gosh. Oh gosh no!!!

I glance at the clock to see that my first class begins in less than five minutes.

"Oh gosh!" I exclaim as I burst upstairs. I'm still in the same robes as yesterday and my hair and subtle makeup is in a state. It takes me over ten minutes to change and look presentable once again.

I bolt towards my astronomy class as quick as I possibly can.

"Your late!" An ethnic teacher calls at me as I enter the room. She's so beautiful I can't help but stare for a moment. She arches an eyebrow.

"Sorry ms," I pant quietly. "I-I over slept."

She doesn't answer but I see a slightly disappointed look in her face as she turns back to the structure she was demonstrating on to the class and resumes her lesson.

I sit beside Hermione as it's the only seat free.

"Hello," I smile.
"Shh!" She ushers. "You should be listening, you are already late and you don't want to go missing more!" She shakes her head slightly.

I frown. I find her slightly irritating.

The class drains by slowly, as do the others but I keep to myself like yesterday and stay out of troubles way.


"God when will this end." I huff and trudge back to the great hall for something to eat.

"Hey?" Cedric meets me before I enter the doors from where he was standing talking to some friends.

"About yesterday I-"

"I don't want to hear it!" I snap in a whisper. He looks taken aback as if he did nothing. "I waited here like a fool and I'm at my wits ends! If you don't want to be friends thats fine but do not take me for a fool!" I bark, some close by people look up and I take that as my que to walk away.

"Celina!?" He calls after me.

Draco's POV

The muggle ran past my classroom this morning nearly ten minutes late to the first class. She looks rough enough today and I presume she overslept.

I watched Diggory waiting for her patiently at the doors to the great hall. Keeping my distance. I was dying to see this reaction.

She seemed pretty angry and didn't even let him talk. Haha! The look on his face! He didn't even follow her in he just slinked off nervously!

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