27) Gluck - gluck 99,000(seggs)

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SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

I KNOW a lot of you wh0r3s are here bc of the title of the chapter hehe, but trust me this scene aint nasty enough and doesn't mean enough unless you know the characters...
Like I can do nasty nasty but I don't want to traumatise u and these bitches r like 17/18 🤭


Landing a punch on Cedric Diggory's face has to be one of my favourite moments of this year. Sorry Celina.

Celina was out of the infirmary the next day but Cedric wasn't. I heard he stayed another night. Everyone seems to be giving me dirty looks now especially the girls fawning after him but I couldn't care less. I have all I need now.

Except she cant walk. I personally think she is milking it, it seems to get 'extremely painful' as soon as she enters a class that she doesn't like. It's not the worst though because some teachers let me go with her to the 'infirmary'.

The odd time she lets me off with dragging her to a quiet corner and kissing the face off her.

She really hates breaking the rules but I think she is loosening up.

I just wish my father would stop sending me owls. He seems to be very interested in her case now which is worrying me. I wish I never said anything to him. I've stopped opening those damn letters and instead I watch them burn in the fires flames. It feels good. I've been realising that I want less and less to do with him the more time I spend with Celina.

We're not public, we're not even properly together. Just friends who regularly make out and spend almost every waking hour together.

I've almost fully detached myself from Blaise and the gang. They're extremely confused as to why I'm spending an abnormal amount of time with her but I don't see the need to answer them at all.

Pansy is livid. Although I now rarely see her she looks like she's ready to murder somebody whenever I do.

"Why are you talking to her!?" She cornered me one day as I returned to the common room late after visiting Lyra.

"What's it any of your concern?" I dismissed her as I pushed past her into the room.

She looked on the brink of tears but I felt no remorse. "Don't you remember us? What we had?"

"Wish I didn't." I shrugged. I meant it. These last few weeks have opened my eyes to a different reality. I've realised that Pansy is a truly horrid person.

She broke down crying in front of me.

It was awkward then because me and her had to go to an out of school awards ceremony for a 'Top young wizard transfiguration' award ceremony.

They picked the best male and female students from a year in several schools. We made the front page of the 'Daily prophet' though so you lose some you win some you know?

I think I'm changing as a person and to be honest I don't mind it as much as I thought I would.

"Got yourself a girlfriend PottAH?"  (Had to sorry) I asked mop head Harry as I passed him in the hallway where he walked closely with Granger.

"Isn't she Weasley's ?" I stopped in front of them.

"Shove off Malfoy." Granger hissed. I looked at her in disgust at her cheek to speak to me in such a manner.

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now