17)did someone say Draco Malfoy?

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Did someone say DrAcO mAlFoY?

Draco's POV


That was pretty sweet I'm not going to pretend. I really enjoyed detention today. If I'm being honest, it was the most I have laughed in weeks...maybe months.

There's not many innocent people left in this world. We've all seen things by now or at least heard of them.. Especially with the events of last years tournament. <- SO, basically Cedric is alive n well and Harry won but I'm just saying that the whole Voldemort thing HAPPENED but Cedric didn't die and he didn't see Voldemort either ( Harry touched the cup not Cedric) . Hehe.

  It's a nice breath of fresh air to see someone so untouched by current affairs walking through Hogwarts. Everybody else is trying to ignore it and act all happy and dandy. But we all know something terrible is brewing.

The minute that girl walked into the school I reported it to my father by owl. He told me that he would look into it but despite me pestering him about it as much as I could, he never reported any findings. I didn't write to him today or yesterday or the day before. Actually...I forgot he even existed today for a little while. I know he's plotting something. Him and others have these quiet talks together when they think I can't hear them. I have heard my name several times.

I don't want to admit it, but I'm getting slightly scared.

  "Where the hell were you?" Goyle questions as I walk happily into the common room. Crabbe stands up from his seat but when I sneer at him  he quickly sits back down.

"Detention." I state. I don't wish to give these airheads a drop of knowledge on my whereabouts.

"Alone?" Blaise questions. He sounds suspicious.

"Yes Blaise, alone? and? Is there something else that you'd like to say?" I outstretch my arms welcoming any of his words in.

"Didn't think so." I hiss as he looks away unwillingly .

"Any news from your father? Has he found any dirt on that filthy mudblood?"

I sigh and sit down, tossing my legs on the foot stool and stretching out my back.

"No," I spit. "He doesn't even seem to care."

"Well, I'm sure he has his reasons. He's probably busy with more pressing matters." Blaise snakes out of the shadows and sits down in an armchair. The reflection of the fire glistening in his eyes.

  I shrug. Blaise knows almost everything. Well he thinks he does. But really he knows nothing.

I laugh to myself and pick up a roasted nut from the glass holder on the coffee table.

"Well, I'm sure he'll find something. Nothing ever goes uncovered especially not in his line of magic."

"Mhm." I agree. Blaise too picks up a nut and I watch him crunch down on it with strength.

Celina POV

  Of course it has to happen to me.
As I'm walking back to the common room after detention I hear Cedric calling my name.

Its not that I don't want to see him. I really like Cedric. But, it's just I don't want to see him right now.

I'm still on cloud nine from detention. I cant believe that happened. I've probably never had more fun in my entire life.

Changing opinions//Draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now