Kai Chisaki: Long time no see

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(I have a wlw Momo on stand by, ready to be published since its been requested a few times but it's sort of similar to the Todoroki one I just posted, so I wanted to throw this one in between. Momo will be up within a day or two! Promise!)

As you stepped out of the small little grocery store, conveniently placed only about a block from your apartment, you pulled the pack of cigarettes you just bought from your pocket and opened it up. You held it in your mouth and quickly lit it up. You slipped the lighter and the pack into the picket of your jacket and looked back up, then away, then back with wide eyes. You had to blink a few times, the cigarette almost falling from your lips. You pulled it out, holding it between your two fingers as you observed the man across the street with wide, unbelieving eyes.
The man stood about six foot tall with short yet overgrown brown hair. He wore a black surgical mask, staring down at his watch at the bus stop.
When he looked up, you saw a flash of those striking, all too familiar, yellow eyes. "Kai fucking Chisaki" you muttered in disbelief.
He didn't seem to notice you, shoving his hand into his pocket and heading down the sidewalk. Before you could think, you were running after him as fast as you could. As he heard your loud footsteps cladding behind him, he halted and turned around. He squinted as you neared him, slowing a bit to catch your breath. Once you got about three car lengths away, his eyes widened in surprise, just like yours had as he realized who you were. "Y/n?" He mumbled.
You stood in front of him, not sure what to say now.
You put your hands on your knees, holding up a finger as to say 'just a minute'.
You had forgotten about the smoke in your hand, but he certainly noticed. He made a look of disgust and snatched it, tossing it to the ground and stomping out. "That's why you can't fucking breathe." He said crossing his arms. You huffed and stood up normally, now eye to eye with him. "Same old Kai I suppo-" you cut yourself off as he reached up to straighten his color, causing his sleeve to slip down just enough to show his arm, or lack there of. You had been too distracted and confused by just seeing him to notice his arms had been replaced with fancy robotic ones. "Holy shit." You said in disbelief once again. "I guess it's been a while since we've caught up." He said with a chuckle. "No fucking shit!" You said nudging his shoulder. "I knew you were locked up but dude-" you cut yourself off again, grabbing his hand and inspecting it. You let go and looked back up to his eyes. "This must mean-" this time he was the one who cut you off. "No quirk." He finished.
"Oh my god." You chuckled "how ironic" you said, trying to lighten the mood. He rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the tiny smile that crept onto his lips. "Yeah, yeah." He said, taking his hand back and putting it back into his pocket.
Now it was silent, awkwardly so. You bounced on your toes. "Sorry, I was just at the store across the street and I looked up, and there you were. I just couldn't let you walk away. It's been like, what," you paused for a moment to think. "Six years?" It sounded way to long, but it was true. The last time you saw each other was a few months before his arrest, when you left the Yakuza. Then he was in prison for five years and rehab for a whole 'nother year.  "Holy shit." You both said at the same time.
You'd both changed a lot, now 26 and 27. He obviously had a new.. accessory, his hair was overgrown, lacking attention and a bit of stubble peaked out from behind his mask. You were now only a few inches shorter than him, your hair now much shorter/longer, a pair of snake bites highlighted your plump lips. (Sorry if you don't have piercings)  and a pinkish white scar across the bridge of your nose from trouble that need not be discussed.
"Holy fuck, it did not seem that long. I feel fuckin' old now." You said, flashing him a smile. "I guess we just sorta lost track of time."
You both stood there for a moment as the memories of you leaving the Yakuza flooded both your minds.
It had not been pretty. You were both in love with each other but would never admit that you were anything more than 'hooking up'. When you left, it broke his heart, causing him to lash out and for you to leave on not so good terms. Now, almost six years later, was the first time you'd spoken since then.
You shook it off and smiled again. "Well, it's been a long time. I suppose we have a lot of catching up to do." You said pulling out your pack of cigarettes and preparing to light another. "You wouldn't wanna come over, would you?" You said as you lit the smoke, earning an eye roll from Kai. He seemed to ponder for a moment before nodding . "Yeah. That sounds nice." He flashed a tiny smile and you returned it with a big one. "Alright! My apartment is just around the block. Let's go." You said nodding int he direction of home.

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