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(y/n) slowly lifted her head from her pillow, grabbing her phone off the nightstand. she checked the time to see it was 2:32 AM, and she had 3 new texts from noah stilinski, stiles' father. as she read through the texts she realised something truly was wrong, so she rolled out of bed, grabbed a sweatshirt and a pair of shoes, and quietly opened her window before sneaking out. 

the stilinski household was right around the corner from hers, making it a quick walk through the chilling night. it was odd seeing the streets so empty, the eerie silence sending chills up her back. she quickly ran up to the house before knocking on the door quietly. noah answered, his face confused at first as if he was wondering who it would be, but relaxation washed over his face quickly.

"you didn't have to come, (y/n)." he commented before letting the teen in. she shook her head briefly before jogging up the stairs and into stiles' room. she saw the lanky boy curled up into a tight ball on his bed, tears streaming down his pale face.

"stiles..." she whispered, approaching him slowly. he lifted his head to see her, his eyes puffy and red from crying. sitting down slowly she pulled him into a tight hug, reassuring him it was ok. "you don't have to tell me anything, but i'm here for you, you know that right? I don't plan on leaving until i know you're ok, too." she said before placing a soft kiss on his head.

"it was a nightmare.. but it felt so real, like i wasn't sleeping. like i was wide awake. but i wasn't, and i can't even tell a dream from reality now..." he commented before turning his eyes to meet hers. she smiled at him before laying down and cuddling him until he fell asleep once again.

"i have a feeling it wasn't just a nightmare." she told herself, sitting up from the boys bed. "but i  have a felling it wont stop at them either.." and with that she got up and walked out, waving goodbye to noah before jogging back to her house to try and get sleep before the school day.

- - -

the teenage girl sat down in history class, grabbing her textbook from her backpack. as she did so she realised the teacher, mr. yukimara,  picking students to read in front of the whole class. out of the blue, stiles is picked and he reluctantly went up to the podium, gripping the sides tightly while staring at the book. as he stood there, he began to sway back and forth, so she quickly jumped out of her seat and rushed towards the panic-stricken boy, holding his shoulders. 

"i'll take him to the nurses." she told the teacher before exiting the classroom and walking towards the boys locker room, scott following close behind. 

"stiles, you need to calm down." she urged, leaning him up against a wall.

after a few minutes, stiles was calm again - scott using some fact about how you have extra fingers in dreams to prove this was reality, not a dream. the three of them exited the locker room but scott grabbed the girls hand before she could go too far.

"what's going on with him?" he asked her, his eyes flickering red.

"listen scott, i don't know. all i know is you can't go around using those red eyes to scare the truth out of people, especially your friends who don't know the information you're asking them for." she snapped back, ripping her hand from his grip and running to catch up to stiles, leaving scott standing alone in the hall. 

as she slowly reached stiles once again, he gave her a confused look and she just shrugged as her response. The two reached their next class - econ with coach. as she sat down in her seat, she noticed some of the students were missing. 

"typical." (y/n) muttered to herself before turning her gaze to the front of the room where coach was rambling off about something stupid, per usual

after econ, the day seemed to fly by quickly, and she was soon hopping down the steps of the school and making her way to stiles' jeep, roscoe.

"hey, (y/n)." He waved, a worried look painted across his face.

"honestly, i don't know much about anything and i'm failing three of my classes, but i'm smart enough to know something is up with you and scott." she told him before getting into the passenger side of the car. stiles simply shook his head before getting into the drivers seat and making his way to his house. "you know, i live the next street over." she retorted before looking out the window. 

"well, scott and i decided it was time to tell you everything. derek is totally against it but i think it'll help." he answered shyly, pulling up to his house. "just, promise me you wont freak out when you figure this all out?" 

(y/n) nodded her head slowly, "i don't know whats worse, having nightmares or whatever is about to go down here."

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