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"so, you wack-jobs are telling me to stay sane on a full moon, you need an 'anchor'? how does that even work?" (y/n) questioned, the group of kids sitting in front of her seeming disappointed.

scott shook his head, "yes, we've been over this part already. anchors keep us from going full-out werewolf on you guys during full moon. an anchor is someone, or something, that can bring us back." he explained again, not breaking eye contact with her.

"who's yours?" she teased in response, looking at allison. the brunette caught onto (y/n)'s stares and uncomfortably smiled back. (y/n) let out a quiet laugh before returning her gaze to scott.

"that- that doesn't matter right now. what does matter is if you get this or not. because if you don't, we'll have to go over it again." scott told the girl in front of him, shaking his head once again. 

"yeah, i mean it makes sense if you think about it hard enough. the problem is, i don't trust any of you enough for this." she muttered, pausing to look around the room.

"why don't you trust us?" lydia asked. 

(y/n) could feel lydia staring at her as she cradled herself, rocking back and forth, trying to drown out the strawberry blonde.

"i asked, why don't you trust us." she asked again a few minutes later, this time more harsh than before. 

(y/n) slightly shook her head, continuing what she was doing before. 

"this is useless! she doesn't trust us, and it's not like she's anything special." the strawberry-blonde scoffed before walking off.

"i mean... lydia has a point you guys. she can't be in the pack if she doesn't trust us, it could get us all killed." allison added before walking off as well. 

and with that everyone else exited the room and made their ways back to wherever they lived.

(y/n) stayed still on the couch, trying not to let the sound of her tears grow too loud, but it was evident that didn't work as she felt a warm hand against her back.

"i know it's a lot, (y/n), but you really have to learn to trust us.. i know a lot went down with you but you need to believe me when i say not everyone walks out." 

it was stiles.

he was probably the only one throughout the whole group that knew about had happened to the shaking girl when she was young. 

"not everyone out there is like her, ok?" his voice was soft, and she could tell he was telling the truth, even if she didn't have any of those silly werewolf powers. 

she sat there for a few minutes in silence before she realised it wasn't only her in the room. as she lifted her head she saw everyone was back in the stilinski's living room, watching the two.

scott stared at (y/n)with wide eyes, confusion spread across his face. "what's he talking about?" he asked quietly as she lifted her head, her eyes finally meeting his.

"using your silly werewolf terminology.. my 'anchor'.." she quietly responded. 

tears threatened to spill from her eyes as the thoughts rushed through her head once again, those god awful thoughts that she thought she repressed. the thoughts she never wanted to have again.

"what do you mean by anchor?" lydia asked, stepping forward.

"as a young girl i had a 'friend', she was like an older sister to me." (y/n) mumbled leaning back in the couch. 

"well, what happened to this girl? she move away or something?" lydia asked again.

(y/n) could see stiles look up and give lydia a death glare out of the corner of her eye. 

"or something.." she replied. there was a moment of silence before the (y/h/c) haired girl spoke up again, "she kept me sane and she left. that's when i began to rely on stiles and scott more and more, until it was always me just tagging along as moral support or whatever else they'd need."

"you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but why haven't you told us - told me?" scott whispered, his eyes gloomy and sorrowful. 

"i don't need your pity and i sure as hell don't need these stupid 'anchors'." (y/n) responded, sitting up. "and anchors sink you idiots, i prefer something that shines as a beacon of hope. like a lighthouse."

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