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(y/n) stood outside the school entrance with stiles, bickering over how wrong it was that the two were there. 

"no, no, what i mean is that this is wrong because if we're caught we're dead meat!" she exclaimed, waving her hands all over the place.

"i realize that, (y/n/n), but i think i've uncovered something big here... something that will change the playing field." he reassured, patting her head. 

(y/n) looked at the tall boy again before whispering a lullaby her mother used to sing to her whenever she got worried. "my little friend, i lull to rest... but outside, a face looms at the window.." she hummed, staring blankly at the school.

anxiety man, it was a bitch.

stilles looked up at (y/n), obviously confused, "i had no clue you could sing like that." he gasped, playfully punching (y/n) in the shoulder.

"to be honest i didn't either," she laughed, looking down at the ground a bit embarrassed, "it just came out I guess." with a small shrug she walked towards the school, stiles following close behind you. "if we die, i want them to sell my body to science." she joked, looking back at stiles. he laughed a bit too before taking the charge and entering the school. 

"so what're we doing exactly?" she asked, stopping in the middle of the hall. 

sure it didn't really matter, but she'd still like to know what she was risking getting grounded for.

"finding answers to a lot of my questions." the boy quickly answered, walking into the chemistry classroom. as she chased after the boy, she watched his mood switch suddenly. 

one moment he was the hyperactive boy she'd known since she was 5, the next he was an unrecognisable personality of his. shrugging it off as just him being in the school so late at night, she walked beside him to the door of the chemistry closet. 

as he was able to open it he turned his head to (y/n), "what do you see?" he asked, their eyes meeting.

ripping her gaze from his she turned her head to look around the small closet, "i see chemicals, and i can definitely smell them too." she commented, kneeling down to the floor. "but i also see blood.." she added before lifting her head up. as she looked up towards where stiles was, she noticed him standing by the chalk board, staring at it blankly.

"hey, do you know the periodic table?" the boy questioned. as (y/n) shook her head she stood up and made her way over to it.

"why do you need it anyways?" she asked, looking at the numbers.

"i think these are all on the periodic table, can you pull up an image of it?" he said, not removing his gaze from the chalk board. as she did so she realised that the numbers were spelling out something, like a name or a place.

stepping back she gasped. in front front of her read the name kira. "what's up with kira?" she asked, looking at stiles worriedly. 

he shook his head lightly, "no time to explain, we have to go get scott now before something bad happens." stiles told her, grabbing her hand and racing out of the quiet building.

as she sat in the car thoughts of what could be going on flashed through-out her head, the most prominent one being that barrow was after kira, but why? she was just some normal high school girl. yeah, sure, her style was a bit weird, but at the end of the day she was just a typical teenage girl, right? as the duo quickly pulled up to the yukimara's house (y/n) noticed scott laying down on the road.

"scott!?" stiles screamed, rushing up to his best friend. as (y/n) watched the two she noticed lydia run up besides her.

abruptly, scott sat up, "he's got kira - barrow, he has kira!" he cried, getting up to his feet as quick as possible.

"we know." (y/n) muttered, kind of bored by the situation at hand. after minutes of talking that she wasn't really paying attention to due to the noise growing louder and louder, until she heard an ear piercing scream ripple throughout the air. spinning around quickly she noticed the sound had come from her. "banshee powers?" (y/n) asked, stunned. 

the strawberry-blonde nodded to (y/n) before turning around to the boys, "it's not flies-" she started before she was cut off.

"it's electricity." she mumbled, looking down at the ground.

lydia turned around and looked at (y/n) confused, "how did you know that? i thought you were just a human." she asked the (y/h/c) haired girl, stepping closer.

shrugging, (y/n) decided to answer honestly, "i really have zero clue, i've just been hearing it the whole day. i've heard some other weird things too." she explained before looking at scott. "like, for some reason i can just hear you saying allisons name over and over again, but whenever i hear it i look to you and you're never saying it."

almost on cue she heard scott gasp, "why- why do you look like her?" he asked, his eyes turning red as he walked towards her quickly. as he grabbed (y/n) by the hand she could hear stiles scream at him that there wasn't time for his wonky alpha powers to mess up because kira was in danger or something like that, but it was all drowned out as her gazed at scott. 

"my little friend, i lull to rest, but outside, a face looms at the window." she whispered quietly, using the short verse to try and calm her anxiety. 

suddenly, scotts grip on (y/n)s arm was released and he backed up, gripping his ears. 

"what's going on?!" she asked, stumbling backwards as she tried to back away from the group. the others stared at her in amazement as she started to feel more and more freaked out. "someone answer me!" she yelled, feeling angered but scared at the same time.

"you look like allison-" scott muttered, his eyes wide in shock.

"no... it's jackson-" lydia said, confusion painted across her face.

"you're all blind or something because it's just (y/n)." stiles laughed, walking forward and dragging (y/n) to his jeep. "well, if you are just going to stand there we'll have to go save kira ourselves then." he teased as the two hopped into his jeep. scott shook his head as he hopped onto his bike, motioning for lydia to do the same. the girl gagged slowly before hopping on. 

"what's up with them? i don't think i look like jackson or allison to be quite honest." she laughed, breaking the awkward silence as she drove through the town. suddenly, it felt like stiles was speaking, it sounded like it too.

"That laugh of hers, how can she sound so innocent and cute when the world around us is going to hell?" 

no. stiles wasn't speaking, she was simply hearing things. as the two rolled up to an abandoned power substation she could just feel the tension in the car get greater as she sat in silence for a moment or two. 

"stay here." stiles spoke softly, grabbing a baseball bat from the back as (y/n) slowly nodded. he raced inside, and after around ten or so minutes him, scott, lydia, and kira exited the building.

(y/n) let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as stiles hopped back into the jeep, "what happened in there?" she asked, generally wanting to know.

"oh the normal. just your average psychopath getting electrocuted enough to the point where he looked like burnt toast." stiles laughed, his chocolate eyes meeting hers.

don't do it, (y/n), don't fall for him. he loves lydia. not you. so don't do it.

quickly, (y/n) looked away from him before anything else happened, which she would regret soon enough.

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