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as (y/n) sat in econ, she noticed lydia swatting the air around her, but considering lydia's an over dramatic drama-queen, (y/n) simply brushed it off. not bothering to pay attention anymore, the teen stared outside, noticing multiple police cars.

ok, that's definitely weird, she thought as she watched them enter the school.

as class was dismissed she made her way over to scott and stiles who, per usual, were probably coming up with some idiotic plan that could get them killed.

"ok either one of you want to tell me whats going on? just because i don't want to join your little group that crusades around battling mythical beasts doesn't mean i don't wanna know why the police are here." she asked, crossing her arms.

"william barrow escaped." stiles answered, fidgeting with his hands.

"mass murderer, child killer, william barrow?!" she shrieked, getting a few peoples attention before they turned back to whatever they were doing before.

"yeah, that william barrow. but (y/n) you have to understand, we're gonna split up and work together to find him. you just go about your day like nothing is wrong. the police are here too just incase." scott reassured her, patting her head lightly. "so please just leave this to the supernatural and those who wish to be included?"

"i never said i didn't want to be included," she started, backing up from the tall boy, "i just don't want to join your silly little pack because it really only benefits you. i'm not some werewolf, it puts me in danger just to make you stronger."

scott stepped towards (y/n), his eyes flickering red, "(y/n), don't speak to me like that." he growled.

she laughed at him before punching his face. "maybe, just maybe, that will fix your crooked jaw and your messed up ego." she snapped, walking away swiftly.

- - - 

as (y/n) stood outside the school, she took a moment to appreciate how she stood up for herself earlier. as she was thinking, stiles strolled up next to her.

"not to over step, but what was that earlier?" he asked turning his head so he could look at the teen.

"i'm tired of him assuming things about me, thinking i don't want to be kept in the loop with these things because if something happened to one of you i don't know what i'd do.. i'd blame myself for not helping you." she whimpered, placing her head on his shoulder.

this caused him to lightly laugh before interlocking his hand with hers. she gazed down at their hands before looking back up at the lanky boy, taking time to appreciate his features.

"what?" he asked, looking down at (y/n).

"nothing, i just never bothered to look at you in a way that wasn't just friends." she said confidently before looking out at all the students in front of her, exiting the school. "do you really think he's here or do you just want to believe lydia because she's your long-time crush?" she questioned, not moving her eyes from where they were looking.

"well, i mean, she says he is and she hasn't ever been wrong before so why would she be now?" he shrugged, she could feel his chocolate eyes watching her.

(y/n) crossed her arms and looked up at the boy, "why does she even think he's here?"

"she hears flies, and they're getting louder." he answered, looking down at her.

she shook her head, "flies?" she asked again, hoping she just misheard it. through-out the day she had been hearing noises, but brushed it off as her hearing acting up, but if lydia was hearing a sound similar to the one she was, did that make (y/n) like lydia?

stiles nodded slowly, looking confused. "flies." 

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