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(y/n) stepped back, clutching onto stiles as black smoke appeared from the bandages that laid on the carpet. 

he obviously has a plan, she thought, gazing into his dull eyes. although she could easily the nogitsune was still a part of him, she could also tell the others would think this is the real stiles.

"let's take a road-trip." he whispered to her, smirking as he reached over, grabbing lydia and (y/n) tightly.

"stiles?" lydia asked, overly confused on what was happening. she turned her gaze to (y/n), her face basically asking 'what's going on here?', causing (y/n) to shrug in a response. 

suddenly, the scene around the trio changed from the warm feeling of the mccall house to a dark and cold place, causing (y/n) to pause in her tracks. 

"well, for a nogitsune, i'm not surprised you picked this venue." (y/n) muttered, gazing around the dark and abandoned building. she grabbed lydias hand and led the strawberry-blonde through the building, trying to get a lay of the land.

"(y/n)?" lydia asked, her voice cracking in fear.

"i don't know lydia, just go with it." (y/n) whispered, shaking her head as she came across the perfect spot to hide the other girl. "stay here." (y/n) instructed, shoving lydia into the room lightly, trying to look sympathetic. as she walked away, heading back to where void was, (y/n) snickered quietly. 

"hello my little princess." he smiled, patting (y/n) on the head lightly as if to congratulate her for getting lydia into a closed and controlled area.

"yeah, yeah, whatever." she grunted, rolling her eyes as she pulled him into a hug. "i know you want a hug. you're just a big softie." she mocked, smiling as she pulled away. it had been awhile since she was able to hug stiles, the real stiles, so she took the chance she had now.

"no." he snapped, shoving her further away. "i don't like hugs. i don't like you. i'm not a 'softie'." he explained in a menacing way, causing (y/n) to stroll towards him slowly.

"so if i were to, maybe.." she cooed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, winking. she paused, looking up into the eyes she loved so much. she wiped her (y/h/c) hair out of her face, taking a second to take in stiles' face. 

no, not stiles' face.

the face she was staring into was someone and something she wasn't able to recognize, but yet she still felt at ease knowing that there could be some fraction of stiles that was in there. (y/n) took a moment to look up at his eyes one last time before closing her own and pressing her lips against his briefly. the short lived kiss made her gag ever so slightly as she backed away.

"what was that for?!" the nogitsune yelled, stepping backwards in a concerned manner.

(y/n) smiled, "you're feeling... generous." she stated, walking away from the boy and back to where she had placed lydia. as (y/n) sprinted down the hall she could hear the girls panicked calls for help, making her sigh, feeling bad about what she had to do in order to have things go down the way they did.

"(y/n)?" lydia called as she noticed the (y/h/c) haired girl making her way towards her. "(y/n) is that you?" she called again, this time her voice sounding more hopeful than the last time.

"yeah!" (y/n) called back, speeding up as she neared the door. "lydia stay calm." she explained, pulling at the door handle.  "you need to stay here ok? scott and the pack are on their way. we planned for this to happen, i can promise you that."

the strawberry-blonde shook her head slightly, not grasping what (y/n) was saying, "what?" she asked.

"scott, allison, and the others are on their way. we planned for this to all go down, just not the you getting kidnapped. you just need to sense the death for us, ok?" (y/n) explained again, trying to be more in-depth this time. lydia nodded her head in understanding as (y/n) backed away, "i have to go now, wait here please?"

(y/n) started to jog back the way she came, but as she was doing so she ran into stiles -

the real stiles. 

jumping back in a worried way, stiles' eyes opened wide in shock when he noticed it was (y/n) he had run into. "(y/n)?" he asked, pulling her into a quick hug.

"hey." she whispered, backing herself away from him shamefully, "i need to go." as she pulled away out of his grasp fully, she felt his hand latch onto her wrist. 

"(y/n), don't do this to me. i saw everything he put you through. i saw everything you sacrificed to do what? save me? (y/n), you know i still get those flashes." stiles began, pain spreading across his face...

"why'd you kiss him?" he asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"i- i could help you if i did it. i could use my powers, manipulate his feelings, control him." she rambled, looking down. "i'm sorry stiles, i couldn't- i couldn't help you and i went against the original plan just so i could protect you because i knew you wouldn't be able to fight him because he's so strong. and it was so selfish of me, but i didn't want to worry - but i worried anyways that you'd be hurt. i'm so sorry."

"hey, it's ok, i'm here. u'm not going anywhere either." he whispered, pulling her into a hug before kissing the top of her head lightly. she relaxed at his motions, releasing a breath she had no clue she was holding in. 

"i don't want to be alone. i don't want to die alone. i just wanted to hug you one last time." sge sobbed into his shirt, clutching onto it as if it was for her life. 

she could feel him nodding against her and her legs being swept out from underneath herself. she looked up to see the weak and pale boy holding her up, walking towards where lydia was. 

(y/n) coughed, the power leaving her body. 

of course using her siren powers for the first time on something as strong as the nogitsune would drain her so quickly, but she never assumed it would take this much from her. 

was she going to die? 

who even knew, there was never a documented case of a siren that wasn't from greek mythology, so there wouldn't ever be lore for her to follow.

"stiles? what's wrong? what happened to (y/n)?" lydia asked, but (y/n) was too tired to pay attention to the conversation between the two. suddenly, she blacked out, her body falling limp. 

all she could hear as she gave into the deep slumber was, 'shit.'

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