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"you seriously want me to go into his consciousness?" (y/n) screamed, as she backed away from the ex-alpha. "hell no! no way! i'm not going to invade his privacy like that."

peter stepped forward, "come on, (y/n), it's not that hard. it gets your friend back." he explained, pulling her back towards the couch. 

grunting, the teen gave up on fighting, slouching back in the couch. 

"i don't like this idea." she muttered, looking behind her to see peter with his claws extended.

 he's shoving those things into my neck!?  (y/n) thought, wiping her head back around to face the group. 

scott sat down next to her, nodding as if to say, 'it's ok, (y/n), nothing bad will happen'. 

she nodded back to him, unsure if voids plan would work.

"just ge-" she started before feeling the sharp pain of claws in her neck, causing her to fall asleep.

- - - 

when she woke up, all she felt was restrained on her arms and legs, along with her stomach. turning her head over, she noticed scott laying on a bed besides hers, also restrained. after of few moments of bickering, scott was able to use his werewolf abilities to get himself out, along with (y/n). 

racing through the door, she stopped, hearing music. 

"scott.." she whispered, looking around the white walled hallway to see if she could pinpoint the sound of the music. unable to find where it came from, she turned around to where scott was only to see the door closed. 

racing towards it, (y/n) called for him multiple times, banging on the door franticly. after a few minutes, she gave up, and began to wander down the hallway, finding a closed door. 

"interesting.." she muttered, opening the door. 

"(y/n)!" a young boy yelled, running towards her. "why'd you let this happen to me..?"

"stiles...?" (y/n) whispered, backing away quickly. she frantically look around the room, noticing the nogistune carving an 's' into a wall. "what the hell!" she screamed, racing towards the creature. "you said we'd do this together but i'm stuck here in whatever hell hole you created." 

as she reached the nogitsune, she noticed him smiling. 

"let it be believable little siren." he whispered before disappearing into thin air.

sighing in annoyance, (y/n) looked around the room, noticing another set of doors. suddenly, she heard someone screaming her name from behind the door. shrugging, she ran towards it, pushing it open. 

"hello?" (y/n) called, looking around a purely white room. as she gazed around she noticed scott racing towards her.

"(y/n)!" he called, pulling her into a quick hug. she smiled faintly, stepping back, rubbing her shoulder in an awkward fashion.

(y/n) took one last look around the room, stopping when she noticed two dark figures in the distance. 

"hey, scott, do you see that?" she asked, lightly jogging over two the two shapes. as she got closer, she noticed it was stiles and the nogitsune leaning over a game board. (y/n) started to frantically call stiles' name, speeding up.

"stiles!" she called again, trying to gain his attention, yet it wasn't working as he just stared down at the game board in front of him. "how do werewolves signal their location to the rest of their pack?" she asked, turning to face scott.

"they howl." scott answered, grinning. (y/n) nodded to him slightly, covering er ears as he let out a loud roar, making stiles jerk his head in our direction. 

"stiles!" she shouted, racing towards him excitedly, pulling him into a tight hug, not ever wanting to let go. 

"(y/n).." he started, "..i can't breathe." his voice raspy and him sounding out of breath, making the teen girl laugh slightly.

"sorry." she whispered, backing away a bit shamefully. she looked up to see him smiling, that same stupid smile that she adored so much. 

"hey, i never said to stop hugging me." he pouted, making (y/n) smile. "there's that beautiful smile." he laughed, grabbing her hand and leading her to scott. "lets head home." stiles told other two, smiling.

- - -

(y/n) jolted forward on the couch, happy to be out of that completely white hell hole. she looked around the room to see everyone staring at her in awe. 

"what?" she asked, confused.

"since when could you sing?" derek asked, looking her up and down, a disgusted look on his face.

"siren." she answered bluntly, looking back to see scott jump up awake as well. the group of people stared at stiles' sleeping body, waiting for him to awake as well. 

"why wont he get up?" (y/n) asked, her voice wavering as she spoke.

"i don't know." someone answered, but (y/n) wasn't paying attention. all she could feel was the worry coursing through her veins.

what if we killed him?  she thought, starting to panic. 

just as she was thinking, she noticed stiles stir awake. nodding excitedly to him, (y/n) watched in anticipation to see what would happen next. as everyone watched, she noticed stiles bending over onto the floor as he started to cough out bandages. 

the nogitsunes bandages. 

the fox always has a trick, she thought, shivering at the thought that the spirit could still be inside him.

and they played right into it

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