Chapter 11

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Japan, America and China go look for the key.


'Hey Korea' Canada whispers while crawling in the vent with North Korea and South Korea.

North Korea :what

South Korea: yes

'Ummm, I mean South Korea. Sorry' said Canada.

'Tch' North Korea look away.

'Yes, what is it?' South Korea said to Canada.

'I want to tell you that, when you attention the guards from outside. That k-pop actually sound very good, not gonna lie. When will you sing it in pupil?' Canada said to South Korea.

'Oh, I will sing on.....' before South Korea can finish his word, North Korea cut it out.

'Can we just look for the button room, BEFORE we can talk abut that?!'

'Sorry' Canada and South Korea said in the same time.

After stop talking, they found the button room.

They peep though the vent and saw some guards outside there.

'I think I should call ame' Canada said and talk out his walkie talkie.

'Ame, ame. Can you hear me, over.'

'Yes, i can, over.'

'We found the button.'

' Great.'

'But there's guards.'

'Well that's not great.'

'I know but I think we know how to do.'

'Ok, tell me when you all done.'


Canada put the walkie talkie back to his pocket and look at North Korea.

North Korea look back and put on his evil smile. Look like he know what to do.

North Korea take out a bomb, but is not a danger bomb. It was the bomb that would spray out smoke.

He knew if he use the danger bomb, it will blow up the button room.

He throw it.

The smoke come out, and before the guards can react. South Korea and North Korea jump down quickly and knock the guards down.

'Great job, brother' South Korea said and rise his hand for a hi-five.

'Yeah yeah, whatever' North Korea said and walk to the buttons. South Korea sad.

'Ok we need to find it as quick as possible' Canada said and also jump down from the vent.


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