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october 17th, 2019
2:57 pm

"NOEL! NOEL, I NEED YOUR HELP!" Sydney approached Noelani at her locker after school, Jasmine in tow

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"NOEL! NOEL, I NEED YOUR HELP!" Sydney approached Noelani at her locker after school, Jasmine in tow.

"What's wrong?" Noelani raised an eyebrow as she shut her locker, "Is it urgent? 'Cause my dad is leaving in ten minutes with or without me."

Sydney grabbed her hand and yanked her along, "I need moral support."

"In other words, Jordan fucked up." Jasmine interjects as Sydney made them exit the building.

"Syd, where are we going? Who's driving me home?" Noelani grunted.

"To see Jordan, duh." Sydney responded as she opened the doors to the warehouse that held the Prolific Prep gym behind the school, and Jasmine and Noelani gave each other a wary glance then stepped through.

Some of the boys who were running drills turned to face the girls.

Noelani and Jasmine followed Sydney into the boys locker room.

"What the-?" Jackson Corley, a boy on the team jumped up off the bench below the locker when he saw the trio.

"Relax. We're not looking for you. Where's Jordan?" Sydney sneered.

"Back there." Jackson pointed to the back of the locker room.

Sydney stormed down the room, an irritated look on her face.

"Oh, lord. Come on." Jasmine sighed as she flicked her long wavy brown hair over her shoulder.

"What is going on?" Noelani asked as they followed Sydney to the very back of the locker room.

At the very last set of lockers was Jalen, Jordan, Nimari, Coleman and a few others on the basketball team.

"Uh, what are y'all doing here?" Nimari asked, as he pulled a t-shirt over his head.

"I don't know." Noelani admitted, her eyes flicking over to Jalen who was motioning her to come closer with a single finger.

Once she was close enough, Jalen wrapped both arms around her waist to embrace her, still sitting on the bench by the lockers.

Noelani places her hand around the back of his neck and Jalen rested his head on her abdomen.

Out of the corner of her eye, Noelani could see Nimari glance at Jalen and her then looked to Coleman.

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