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NOELANI HAD DECIDED TO IGNORE THE SEED OF DISTRUST THAT the weekend in Los Angeles had planted inside of her.
Jalen loved Noelani, there was no doubt about that, and she loved him just as much, maybe even more.
So she decided to trust him when Jalen said that he thought he heard Jasmine saying something else.
Whether that decision was naive or not, Noelani would have to see.
The movement of Jalen adjusting his head on her breasts brought Noelani out of her thoughts.
The couple had been on a flight from San Francisco to Honolulu for approximately four hours and some change.
Both of their seats were reclined in the same position and the arm rest separating their seats was lifted so that there was nothing that kept them apart.
"You think that guy is out of the bathroom yet?" Jalen muttered.
Noelani turned her head over her shoulder a little to examine the bathroom at the end of the plane corridor, "Yeah, he's in there."
Jalen kissed his teeth, "I got a question."
"Mmm?" Noelani hummed.
"Since we're staying at your mom's house, does that mean I'm not getting any?" Jalen pouted.
Noelani snickered, "Is that what you're thinking about right now?"
"I mean... Yeah," Jalen shrugged.
"So, not how to make my mom and uncles like you but whether we're gonna have sex while we're there?" Noelani glanced down at her boyfriend.
"I don't have to worry if they're gonna like me. I know they are." Jalen smirked.
Noelani shook her head, "You need to deflate that head a little bit if you want that to be true."
The seatbelt sign clicked on and one of the flight attendants began to speak over the intercom, "We are now preparing the plane to land. Please set your seats in an upright position."
Noelani followed the instructions then gripped onto the arm rest to the right of her, "I can't wait to show you everything on the island. I have to teach you to surf, we have to get poke and I have to show you this spot in my backyard where sea turtles like to swim around. Oh! And there's this waterfall twenty minutes away and the top of it is the most beautiful thing you'll ever see."