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march 4th, 2020
11:02 am

JALEN READJUSTED HIS BODY IN THE hospital bed, his eyes still closed from the anesthesia wearing off

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JALEN READJUSTED HIS BODY IN THE hospital bed, his eyes still closed from the anesthesia wearing off.

The lights were still bright in his hospital room and he blinked a couple times as he sat up.

His right foot was wrapped entirely in gauze except for his toes and on top of the gauze was cream colored ace bandages.

"Aw, man." Jalen rubbed his eye.

"Hey, you're finally up." Noelani was in the door frame of the hospital room.

Jalen blinked in surprise, "Lani... You came back."

He took the time to drink her in.

Noelani looked exhausted in a yellow hoodie, leggings and a matching bandana covering her hair. In her hands was a bag of Lay's potato chips.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She placed the chips on a side table near the window on the far side of the room then dragged a chair to sit by his bed.

"It's just a hairline fracture in my foot. The surgery went well. Imma be good by next month." Jalen assured her.

"A fracture?" A look of relief then a look of annoyance flashed onto Noelani's face like shadows, "Imma kill J. Pope. He made me think you were dying or something."

"What'd he say?" Jalen sat up a little more.

"Just that it's really bad and that I should come see you before it was too late." She brushed his sweaty, slightly tangled curls away from his forehead, her fingers warm against his skull.

"You are burning up though. You want an ice pack? I can go find a nurse." Noelani started to stand but Jalen firmly grabbed onto her hand, afraid that she would leave.

"No, no, stay. Please." Jalen said in a soft tone.

"You really hopped on a flight just for me?" Jalen asked in disbelief.

"I thought something was wrong." She said simply, not looking at him, "The way Jordan phrased it... I thought you had, I don't know, you gotten into a car crash, or gotten shot or something."

Jalen shook his head, "He's a bit dramatic. But I am glad to see you."

Noelani touched his forehead again, "Are you sure that you don't want an ice pack?"

Jalen grabbed her hand again, not wanting Noelani to leave for even a second, "Please stay. I don't want anything else right now. Do you remember what I said to you in the locker room when I first gave you my jersey?" Jalen asked.

Noelani nodded after a moment's hesistation, "That I'm your one and only?"

"It's still true. You are. I love you. I love you so much. I'm in-." Jalen started to say.

"Please don't say things like that," Noelani pleaded in a soft, broken tone, "You don't mean it. I can't take any more of you talking like that and then switching up. I just-. I can't. Please."

"I do." Jalen covered her hand with both of his, "Plea-."

"I found a soda machine!" Camila said then stopped in the doorway at the sight of the two, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You must be Camila. Right?" Noelani asked softly.

Camila nodded slowly and Noelani began to shift in her seat a little.

"I'll go see if I can get an Uber to take me to my dad's. I haven't slept in over twenty hours," Noelani looked at Camila, "It was nice to meet you."

"Okay." Jalen leaned his head onto the pillow behind his neck.

Noelani hesitated then glanced at Camila, "I'm glad you're alright, kid."

Then she stood and departed the room, her chestnut brown curls moving behind her like a cape.

Camila shuffled into the room directly after, an impatient look on her face, "Are you dumb or something?"

"What?" Jalen asked in a confused tone.

"She flew here for you and your dumb ass is about to let her go again!" Camila exclaimed.

"What do you want me to do?"

Camila rolled her eyes, "Go get her back before she flies back dumbass! Do I have to spell everything out for you?"

"It's not easy! She doesn't believe anything I say." Jalen pointed out.

Camila rolled her eyes then stuck her hand into her purse and slammed the navy ring box on his foot causing Jalen to groan in pain.

"Would you believe you after everything you've done or said? She needs physical proof. Back your words up." Camila gestured to the ring box.

Jalen was quiet for a couple of seconds, "Can you go get Sydney and them?"

Camila nodded, went into the hallway then came back into the room with Sydney, Jasmine, Coleman, Nimari and Jordan.

Jasmine closed the hospital room door behind her, "What's up?"

Coleman's eyes fixated on the ring box settled on Jalen's injured foot, "Is that what I think it is?"

Jalen nodded, "I have a plan."

"That didn't..." Sydney made a face, "That didn't really work out the last time."

"I know. But I need to try, this one last time. I can't let her go again." Jalen shifted in his bed, "Now someone get me crutches. I need to go make sure everything is perfect."

"Are they gonna let you out?" Nimari asked in a dubious tone.

"I'm eighteen. I can sign myself out." Jalen swung his uninjured foot from the bed and hopped until he could fit the crutches underneath his armpits.

"Now listen, I'm gonna need your help."

His friends all passed around curious looks then stared back at Jalen.

"So this is what I need you to do..."

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