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september 29th, 2019
2:44 pm

september 29th, 20192:44 pm

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"BRO, YOUR ROOM IS SO NICE." Jasmine commented as she entered Noelani's bedroom and sat her shoulder bag on the floor by the door.

Nimari and Coleman were already in the room, sitting on the bed with Noelani, channel surfing on the TV placed above the door frame.

Blue and Cinnamon occupied the bay window couch, laying down adjacent to each other.

"They are so cute." Jasmine said as she walked over to squeeze on the edge of the bed near Nimari.

"We're trying to pick a movie... Right now it's between Paranormal Activity and Deadpool." Noelani spoke with her eyes squinted at the flatscreen.

"Deadpool!" Jasmine chirped in response, "Wait, where's Syd with the food?"

"I think she's picking up Jordan first." Coleman replies, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

"That probably means Jalen's coming too." Jasmine said, "They're best friends." She continued after seeing Noelani's confused expression.

"Oh." Noelani looked down at her crisscrossed sock covered feet to hide her smile.

Seeing him would be nice.

"I saw that." Jasmine spoke up.

"Saw what?"

"You trying to hide your smile."

Coleman glanced at Noelani, "You don't... You don't like him, right?"

"No," Noelani lied, "I literally just started being cool with him."

"Good." Nimari cut in with a slightly ominous tone.

Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!" Noelani insisted.

"You shouldn't." Coleman interjected.

Noelani turned to face him, "Purely for curious reasons... Why shouldn't I like him?"

Nimari and Coleman faced each other with the same slightly conspiring look they shared at the basketball game.

"Jalen's cool but.... He's not exactly good with relationships." Coleman spoke after a few seconds.

Noelani snickered, "Who said I wanted a relationship with him? I think he's cute and everything but," Noelani trailed off with a shrug.

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