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february 6th, 2020
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The flowers had worked when Jalen had asked Noelani to be his girlfriend and he was more than sure that they would work in making her start to forgive him.

Jalen continued to stroll through the hallway, turning into the corridor that held Noelani's locker then stopped at the group of people surrounding it.

Jasmine, Sydney, Nimari, Coleman and Jordan were around the locker, talking in hushed voices and dismal expressions painted on their faces.

"What are y'all doing here?" Jalen asked as he approached them, "Where's Lani?"

They all glanced at each other and Nimari cleared his throat, "She didn't call you?"

"What? No. She called all of y'all?" Jalen asked.

There was silence as the group of friends glanced at each other then Jalen.

"She's gone. She's leaving." Sydney finally said after another beat.

There was a cold flash that rushed up Jalen's spine, "What do you mean she's gone?"

"She's gone. Isn't what I just said?" Sydney snapped a little.

"Alright, Syd. Chill." Jasmine cut in, sending her friend a warning look.

"She went back to Hawaii. She said that there's nothing here for her anymore. That seeing you all the time just hurt too much." Nimari sighed, "She called us all last night to say goodbye."

Everyone except me.

"I can't believe this," Jalen shook his head then turned to look at Jasmine and Sydney, "Y'all were supposed to help me get her back not make her want to leave!"

Coleman rolled his eyes at Jalen's statement, "That's not fair."

"I don't care about fair, Coleman. You should've convinced her to stay!" Jalen yelled at Sydney.

"Relax, bro." Jordan stood in front of Sydney protectively, "Don't yell at her because you fucked up."

The flashback of when Jalen had done that for Noelani back in October ran through his head and Jalen sighed.

"My bad, Syd." Jalen muttered, stepping back, "My bad, Jas."

Jordan grabbed Sydney's hand and led her away.

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