Chapter 4: Wedding anniversary

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The silence that followed was a second too long to be comfortable, until it was broken by laughter. Mew leaned towards Gulf, almost falling into his lap as he held his stomach from apparent amusement. The gesture would’ve felt weird, but Gulf figured that this was normal for them. He had seen them act like this in many of the videos. He joined his ‘partner’ with his own giggles.

“It just feels like such a dream, you know?” He felt proud of himself as he explained.

Mew looked up from Gulf’s lap, his eyes narrow due to the big smile he gave him. “Exactly,” he almost whispered to the younger, acting as if the two of them were the only ones in the room. Gulf felt his face heat up. Wanting to somehow escape from his shyness, he leaned forwards on top of the elder to somehow hide his face. Admittingly, Gulf couldn’t help but like how casual their touches were. Although they made him feel shy and burned on his skin, they just felt right.

The camera clicked furiously as Mew leaned away, Gulf still attempting to hide behind his back. Would it be okay to continue hiding like this until the end of the interview? If he could, Gulf somehow felt like this interview would be okay. Instead, his husband used his strong arms to move Gulf in front of him, locking him into an embrace. He looked at the camera, practically posing.

The interviewer cleared his throat. “Should we leave the two of you alone? I feel like I’m interrupting something.”

Gulf blushed at the comment, moving around in an attempt to escape. He failed. “Please continue,” Mew laughed as he hugged Gulf even stronger. “We’re just a bit excited today.” It was their wedding anniversary after all.

The interviewer smiled and looked down, skimming through his notes. “Do you two have some special plans for this special day?” he asked.

Mew nodded, “Some, although I’m not sure if I should share them,” his tone was teasing. His hands started softly patting his lover’s belly. “What about you, Tua-aeng, do you have any surprises prepared for your hubby?”

Gulf had no idea what married couples did on their wedding anniversary. Didn’t they bring each other flowers or chocolate? Or was that only meant for valentines?

“How about I make you a homecooked meal?” he eventually answered, staring at the hands resting on his stomach.

The interviewer actually coo-ed, pointing out that “That’s quite a difference from last year’s dinner on a private yacht.”

Oh, so they were that kind of public couple.

“I think it’s cute,” Mew saved him from saying something stupid. “Whatever my wifey wants, I want as well.” Gulf was so thankful for all the makeup and foundation on his face, knowing that otherwise he’d be a blushing tomato by now.

He rested his hands on top of Mew’s, mentally expressing his thanks. “I just want to spend the day with you,” his voice was quiet as he mumbled the unsure reply.

This time there was an audible response in the room, as Gulf heard a couple of ‘Awww’s and ‘so cute’. Another possible disaster diverted.

Next to them, the interviewer clapped his hands excited as if he got a sudden idea. “That’s right! The two of you were a little late today, might it be because…?” he left his question unfinished, implying exactly what P’Bosser had earlier today.

The older husband laughed out of embarrassment. “Yai Nong didn’t want to leave the bed today,” he leaned forward as he said it conspiringly. It was amazing how natural the man was at answering questions like these, even so much that Gulf wanted to believe what he said. Mew wasn’t done; “we had to leave in a hurry because of him.” He nuzzled his nose in the younger’s neck, almost as if smelling the younger.

I.L.Y. - A MewGulf AUWhere stories live. Discover now