Epilogue: Mew - The greatest gift

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"Nice to be able to interview you again on this special day, Mew and Gulf, congratulations on your third anniversary!" The interviewer – Mew had immediately recognised the woman as the same from last year – smiled at them, softly clapping her hands together in Wai. Mew followed her actions and greeted her back.

"It's great to be here again, thank you for inviting us," he said. Next to him he could feel Gulf nodding along after he greeted her as well. Mew peeked a quick glance at his husband. Gulf was visibly shining, his hair perfectly styled in heart and clothes which were loose enough to look soft yet tight in the right areas to show off his curves. The husband mentally sighed at the sight. Gulf truly looked perfect right there.

"The year truly flew by, hasn't it? I was looking forward to doing this interview again. Please take care of us as well this time," Gulf spoke up, making Mew want to roll his eyes a little. The nong was teasing Mew saying these words. He hadn't even been there last year, but he had plenty reminded the husband that he would've done a way better interview than his doppelganger. Mew just shrugged at the time, yet here they were on his younger husband's request. The magazine hadn't opposed when they had requested to do another anniversary interview, on the contrary, they had jumped at the occasion. And Mew? Well, he simply followed his husband's wishes. Call him whipped if you dare, he will simply agree with you.

The woman giggled. "The pleasure's all mine. You're already celebrating three years of marriage, that's really wonderful" as she said these words, she finally turned towards the camera. In comparison to last year, the magazine had requested to film the interview this time. They had gotten many requests for some behind the scenes, especially with the kiss-picture, and Mew and Gulf hadn't minded. In fact, Gulf had been so enthusiastic about it that it made the elder a little suspicious. Just a little though, he knew he could trust his nong to behave himself.

Currently that 'behaving' meant that the two of them were simply sitting next to each other on the couch, hands tightly intertwined. Mew was absently stroking his husband's palm with his thumb, every now and then going a little higher so he could feel the silver band around Gulf's ring finger.

"I'll start off with the same question as last time," the interviewer picked up her cards, checking before she asked. "Do you two have something special planned this year? Like a homecooked meal or a trip on a private yacht?" she winked as she said those two last suggestions. Mew pretended to think as Gulf did the same.

"We didn't actually do that homecooked meal last time, right boo?" Gulf smiled sweetly, leaning into his husbands' touch in a teasing matter.

Yes, yai nong definitely has it out for me this time. Maybe he won't behave himself after all. Mew decided to take a mental note that he might have to punish the nong for that later. And with punishment, he obviously meant hugging him to death.

Mew shook his head, deciding to play along. "No, but speaking of last year, I suddenly can't seem to remember what we did for our wedding anniversary...?" Two could play the teasing game, and Gulf would soon rediscover Mew was always the winner in the end.

Gulf suddenly pushed his husband's shoulder, but Mew had already expected the action, grabbing the nong to pull him closer instead of letting him get away. The nong pouted a little but smiled. "I do," he blushed, and it made Mew's heart tighten, "You brought me to the Maldives again." He mumbled the last sentence. However, with the sharp intake of breath of the interviewer and the coo's going around the room, Mew knew everyone had heard it.

He nodded proudly. "Ah that's true!" he was definitely playing dumb on purpose. "Oh!" he pretended to remember something, "And didn't I take you out for dinner on the rooftop of a restaurant?" Mew pulled the nong closer as he said this. "Or, rent out an entire football field?"

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