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— 22. East Anglia

  Outside, in the courtyard, Ylva rushed over to Bjorn, who had just arrived back on horseback from searching for Lagertha

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  Outside, in the courtyard, Ylva rushed over to Bjorn, who had just arrived back on horseback from searching for Lagertha. "Well?" She asked him, a concerned look on her face.

"No one has seen her," Bjorn informed her, looking disappointed as he climbed off his horse, "If she's still alive, she has vanished."

With that, Bjorn walked away, causing her to sigh deeply in defeat.


     In the throne room, Ylva sat on the ground with Bjorn while numerous others stood around as Alfred spoke to them. "I swore upon my life and my God, if with your help, we defeated our enemies, that I would honor the pledges made to you by my grandfather, King Ecbert," He explained as he rose from his throne and walked forward, "Here is the treaty giving you, by our royal consent, all the land and that constitute the ancient kingdom of East Anglia. These lands I grant you in perpetuity, to settle and to farm as you see fit."

He paused, turning to exchange a look with Gyda. "Now, there is not a great population there. But still, there are settlements and farms. Some have moved away but others have chosen to remain. I suggest you treat them well. They are not so ill-disposed towards you, but they will be wary and apprehensive."

"The last time this happened—" Bjorn began to remind Alfred, who was quick to reassure him.

"Yes. All I can say is that this time will be different. I will leave some of my bodyguards as a gesture of my support, and I will use my authority as King to protect your rights. You have no reason to fear otherwise," Alfred explained before he sat down and marked the transfer of lands with his royal seal, "Here I do affix the royal seal. And so it is done."

He picked up the piece of paper and held it out to Ubbe, who eyed him closely. "And now I welcome you formally, as allies and as friends."

Alfred smiled and walked closer to Ubbe, hugging him and then Rorik, who gave him a weird look. As the crowd began to clap, Alfred turned to Gyda uneasily since he wondered if it would be wise to hug her in front of everyone.

Gyda smiled at him and shook her head, which was her was of telling him not to. She watched as he walked up the steps to stand in front of his throne, gesturing for her to follow. She was hesitant at first, but soon found herself standing beside him.

"That is not the end of our business today," Alfred announced, causing the crowd to become silent, "Guards! Arrest the traitors!"

Outrage began and Ylva lifted her head, smiling in amusement as she watched numerous men being dragged away.

Alfred watched for a moment before turning on his heel. He walked to leave and Gyda followed after him, which Alfred didn't even try to stop. He wanted her to her.

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