Chapter 7

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Cameron P.O.V

Man where should I take Eboni I thought  to myself as I sat on the edge of my bed I'll text chris and ask him.I got up and grabbed my phone off the charger "Yo Chris were is a good spot to take Eboni"I text him "Eboni Zoe sister Eboni"Chris text back within a few minutes "Yes Eboni Zoe sister dumbass"I replied back "oh doesnt she hate your ass"Chris text back "Nahh nigga I made up with her but where is a good spot to take her"I replied back "Take her to the Zoo haha"chris replied back "Nigga im forreal"I replied back god he plays to damn much with his dumbass "Nigga im joking calm your ass down take her to the spot downtown its a nice resturant"chris replied back within the next hour "Ight Nigga thanks". I looked through my contacts until I found Eboni name I text "Hey Im taking you out tonight be ready around 6"I text her.After I text Eboni I went and hop in the shower.

 Eboni P.O.V

"Goodmorning and Happy Birthday how are we feeling today"said the doctor coming in the room "Goodmorning and Thank You I have a small headache but other than that Im doing fine"I said rubbering my head."Okay Eboni Im just going to take your temperature then we are going to take some x-rays to make sure everything esle is fine with you before we let you go home"the doctor said smiling then pulling out her thermometer."Okay"I said sitting up in the bed. "Who is this young lady next to"the doctor said looking over at Zoe. "Thats my sister"I said smiling "Oh how nice of her to stay with you"the doctor said puttining her thermometer  away "Yeah it was nice of her"I said smiling then getting out of the bed. "Your temperature is normal now come with me so we can take some x-rays"the doctor said opening the door."Okay."

 Zoella P.O.V

I woke up to Eboni not being in the bed I started to panic then I thought to myself we are in a hospital they probably took her for some type of test are something.I just layed back in the bed and watched tv until Eboni came back as I was watching tv my phone started to ring I grabbed it off the stand next to the bed and answered it "Hey Mom"I said flipping the channels "Hey baby how is Eboni doing" "She's doing fine I think they took her to go do some test"I said grabbing my water bottle I left on the table "Okay keep me updated but I called to tell you that we are having a surprise party for Eboni later on tonight but you cant tell her Im going to need you and  Chris to drop her off at home we left Zana with Joyce she knows about the party so when you get home get Zana and tell Eboni that you and Chris had to go somewhere and that she needs to watch her but I need you and  Chris to go down to the jail to pick up Antonio"mom said "OMG Mommy how did you do that"I asked with a confused look "I pulled a couple of strings but I have to go Zoe dont mention anything about a party"mom said before hanging up.WOW I cant believe Antonio is coming its been 6 months since Eboni seen her father this is going to make her night.

Chris P.O.V

I woke up with a text message from my baby saying "Goodafternoon Handsome can you pick Eboni and I up from the hospital? and I need you to go somewhere with me" "Goodafternoon Beautiful and okay Ill be there in like an hour. Where to"I replied back getting out of the bed "Thank You & Ill explain everything after we drop Eboni off at home"Zoe text back within a few seconds "okay babe ill see you in a few"I replied back before going downstairs.I went to my dresser and pulled out my black jeans and a white vneck after I got my outfit it I went downstairs to get something to eat "Goodafternoon Momma"I said giving her a kiss on the cheek "Hey Z"I said smiling "Chris come with me into the kitchen"mom said looking suspicious "Okay whats up"I said sitting on the counter "Jasmin and Vince are having a surprise party for Eboni but you cant tell her what are you doing today"mom said is a whispering voice "Im going to pick up Zoe and Eboni from the hospital and why are you whispering"I said looking confused "Because I dont want Zana to hear us"mom said peeking around the corner "Oh I see"I said trying not to laugh "Okay can you take Zana with you to pick up Zoe and Eboni because I have to go met Jas and Vince at the hall"mom said looking for her  car keys "Okay momma"I said hopping off the counter and grabbing her car keys which were on the key rack "thank you baby"mom said giving me a kiss on the cheek "Okay zana im going to see you later"mom said waving to zana "Chris her car seat is by the front door"mom said before leaving."Hey Zana"I said walking towards her "Im going to go take a shower are you going to be okay down here by yourself Im going to be fast" I said "Yes im going to be fine"Zana said looking at me smiling "Im going to be fast"i said running upstairs to my bathroom to take a shower.

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