Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes to see green lush forestry underneath a bright blue cloudless sky. I figured that this was a dream and closed my eyes again to rub them and as soon as my hands touched my face. I felt something that shouldn't have been possible. I opened my eyes cautiously and found two white and red paws in place of my hands.

Okay let me catch you up as to how I ended up like this...

A few hours ago, Earth 1

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I bashed in my alarm clock, stupid thing, I let my body relax once again and what felt like a second later my alarm clock was going off. I kept on hitting the stupid thing but it wouldn't turn off.

I opened my eyes to see my other one on the far side of my room inside of the shelf-wall that I had made specifically for times like this. I groaned and sat up in bed looking around for something I could throw at it, but nothing hard was around. Probably something else I did.

I stood up and shuffled over to the thing and bashed its head to shut it up. Then I turned to the left and opened up my drawers to see my work out clothes ready. It was 5:45am and I was not happy about having to go for a run today.

I dressed quickly and left my room. My shoes were waiting by a fruit bar. Just enough energy for a ten mile run. I opened the snack and got on my shoes before grabbing my house key and stepping out the door.

I walked over to the starting point of today's route, stretching while I did so. The first few miles went by smoothly, and it wasn't until the seventh until around six that other people started to drive by in cars and on bicycles.

I was nearing the city by now and I decided to alter my route a little to run a little bit longer. I was awake now and didn't feel like stopping at my planned amount for the morning. I was thinking about what I wanted to do for the rest of the day, and something caused me to stop running.

A large piece of concrete came flying down from the sky, landing just in front of me and creating a small crater where it landed before exploding into a thousand pieces. Some of the larger ones came flying towards m, bashing me in the chest and sending me a few steps back. I decided to look up. Bad idea right, almost everyone that sees something as big as a car crash to the ground from above shouldn't look up as the first action they take.

I should've started to just run, or turned back and then looked up to see what was the matter. Not that it would've mattered anyways, as there was a half skyscraper coming down above me, and I just stared at it, like an idiot. No it did not get my neck snapped like a toothpick from another large chunk of concrete, but the building decided to build up my anxiety by crashing down around me, the first twenty or so floors were all bare, no floor, no windows, just metal beams and some panels of glass here and there. 

Then came the twenty first floor and that one had a large chandelier near the top of it, no idea why that was put in first above the floors or windows but the large pieces of glass crystals sank into my flesh before one of the top floor's metal beams cut away my vision.

And so here I was, waking up in some foreign place surrounded by a lush, green forest. With paws. I looked around for the nearest body of water: firstly, because my throat was in dire need of moisture, and two, because I wanted to see what I had become, and if I could recognize it.

I stood up and took one step forwards and then another. This new body was weird. I always stood on the tips of my paws, and if I tried to walk like I did as a human it felt weird and not to mention it hurt after a little while. So I just walked the way that felt natural to this form, on the tips of my feet, and eventually I got used to it. It didn't hurt and it felt pretty natural, so I didn't care after ten minutes or so of walking.

I smelled it before I saw it, the smell of fresh water was strong, very strong, and I didn't know if it was because I was in an environment that seemed to be untouched by humanity, or if it was because of my new body. I suddenly realized something, I couldn't remember my name, it felt like my past was slowly drifting away from me.

I realized that the source of water was much further away than it seemed. I think I smelled it from at least one or two miles away, maybe even three! I was amazed, but didn't have time to really think about it before I stuck my face underneath the water and took big gulps of the nice tasting liquid. I swear even my taste buds were more sensitive to things now too.

I froze as soon as I opened my eyes, what I saw was a white feline face staring back at me. I had red lightning bolts coming out from my white furry cheeks. My head had a red line going from the tip of my nose of which was covered in black from my chest, which was also covered in fur. I had pretty large ears too with the insides being black and the outside being white, further adding to the cat-like features. I looked at my red and white paws and noticed that they also had pretty big claws, but instead of four fingers I had three tipped with claws and the fourth was a little spread out, also with a claw at the tip.

I closed my eyes and took a couple of breaths before opening them again and standing up at the edge of the water to see what the rest of my body looked like: three toes, all tipped with claws, black legs and feet that, like a cats, were triple jointed making it so that I stood on my toes pretty much all of the time; I had fur starting at the joint below the knees, curling around and stopping at the waist, a black zig-zagging like traveled all the way around the base of the bottom part of the fur and connecting with points at the underside of the middle of my legs.

From my waist to the start of my sternum was bare with a red open arrow starting at the base of the new patch of fur and another thinner and narrower open arrow just in front of that one.

From my sternum to my neck was the next patch of fur shaped like a heart going around my arm-pits and meeting at the base of my neck, a red zig-zagging line went down parallel to the other sides near the middle of the split in the heart and from my arm-puts to the start of my elbows was black. From there it was sort of like a glove of fur either zig-zag pattern on the top middle wrist, and the pads on my hands and feet were red. I couldn't tell if I was a guy or a girl though, and I guess that that was partially due to the fur covering that area, but I decided to look into it later.

I heard something buzzing towards me and suddenly I had jumped backwards and onto the branch of a near-by tree as a large bee-like creature came through, and following it were two others. I guess they traveled in that I think of it, they looked rather familiar.

I suddenly felt lots of information filling my head about this new world. Those were Beedrill, a pokemon, and so was I. And I looked like the reverse version of a Zeraora, a shiny version I wonder how to use moves.

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