Chapter 6

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I looked around the room for a little while just to see where I wanted to sleep at, and after testing out a few places, other then the bed of course. Which was already occupied by a sleeping Tepig. I found that the floor was surprisingly the only thing that seemed comfortable enough to sleep on.

I crawled down on all fours and chose a spot by the wall closest to the couch that was on the other side of the bedroom. I could still see the door if it was opened, and I would be the first able to react if something tried to get in and attack.


The next morning I was awoken to the sound of breathing, and near me too. I immediately shot up and looked at the door with my claws out and ready to strike, but there was nothing there. I looked behind me to see a Butterfree fly past the window, so nothing there as well, but the bed was empty.

I finally looked down to see that the Tepig has somehow gone from being on the bed, to the middle of the area of the floor that I was sleeping in, probably in between where I was sleeping. You have your own bed, and you can self heat being a fire Pokémon and all, so why are you sleeping next to me?!

I quietly growled a little, but got over it and started to look around for something that I might be able to make for food. I saw some fish in the freezer along with a bunch of other meats that I didn't recognize, and there were berries on the table. So I decided to grab the fish, put it on the stove, scavenge the cabinets for some seasoning, and when I finally found some I poured lots of spices on the fish. Then I grabbed a bunch of random berries and put them in a bowl for Tepig.

"Mmmm something smells good" Tepig wandered in while I was finishing the fish and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I wasn't talking about the meat, no that smell is foul and I don't want to ever be near it, I was talking about the berries that are calling to me" she scowled and I grinned.

"Uh huh, if too say so. I'm pretty sure that this meat smells good for even you" I said and she just snorted at me and looked away. Then she turned around and hopped over to the table and started to dig into the bowl of berries without so much at looking at me.

I guessed when the fish was done, grabbed it right off the pan, and took a bite. And it was amazing, I was honestly a little surprised by myself.

"Um, how are you eating it like that?" Tepig asked pointing to the still streaming fish in my paws.

"Oh I don't feel anything below my wrists and on some parts of my arms, I was in a very bad tribe when I was younger, they didn't take care of me and only barely taught me how to interact with others, so I had to fend for myself most of my younger life.

"I was in the forest stalking a caterpi when a bunch of Spearows and Pidgeots flew up from the trees and started to flee, giving out warning calls to one another, but I was too late. As I started to run back to the cave the fire that had spread through the forest caught up to me and burning sticks and branches kept on threatening to fall on me. So I had to hit every single one of them away with my paws and arms.

"By the time I got into my cave again my fur up to my mid forearms were almost completely burned off and my hands had second and third degree burns on them. It was painful for the first three weeks while I took care of my own hands, but I still had to hunt with them, and let them rest in between in order to heal. By the time I got out of the cave winter had already come."

"So what happened to your tribe then?" The Tepig asked and I looked at her and shrugged, the still hot fish still in my paws, so I took another bite.

"Don't know" I said, "by the time it was spring again and I could go back, I found nothing but some burned bones and the ash of former shelters."

"I'm sorry" she said and I tilted my head at her.

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