Chapter 12

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I took the long way back to the city, meaning I went all the way around the island, and then went back into the forest to the area I usually come in at. I didn't even stop when I got to it, I just dived in immediately and maneuvered my way over to the cabin as I fell through the air.

I landed softly at the entrance of the cabin and stepped in before hopping onto the couch where the floor immediately dropped behind me and I found myself looking at Mr. Dragonite once again.

"Hi" I said before entering and he immediately used Dragon Claw, of which I just jumped over and hopped onto him to sit on his shoulder.

"You done?" I asked as his swings of Dragon Claw came to an end

"No I am not" he said and I smiled, "you're supposed to announce your arrival beforehand, and why are up back so early anyways I haven't gotten anything for us to work on yet"

"I'm back because the humans are here, and I got you a chance to fight for your freedom" I said and the Dragonite looked at me in shock.

"You've already faced some humans and their Pokémon already?" He said and I nodded.

"Yeah the first group wasn't really that challenging, I mean the leader wasn't prepared to see me protecting the island, but I just defeated them quickly and sent them back to where they came from" I said and the Dragonite's jaw fell open. "Another is actually here right now and she is quite strong, but she promised that if I got you to come to the surface and battle then, should you win, you would get to go free, I might get to get off of this island, and you could live in peace for the rest of your probably long life."

"And if I lose" the Dragonite asked and I looked at him.

"Don't lose" I growled and he seemed to understand that losing meant death, and I'm pretty sure that he didn't want to die just yet.

"Okay, where is this person I'm fighting?" He said and I smiled and started to walk out. I think that he would fit through the hole up, just the cabin would be destroyed, it would be a tight crawl, and...

"You know I have another way to get out of here" he said heading over to a wall and I followed.

"Oh, cool" I said as he pushed in a section of the wall to reveal a giant ramp leading to the surface. I was shocked, I honestly thought that he'd evolved here and then carved his way in making that hole in the process and just climbed up and down when he wanted to get out, but now that I thought of it. It would've been stupid for him to not have an escape route of some sort just in case, and that's why the entire ramp up was covered in so much dust that it looked like carpet, and it wasn't warm at all going though it, but I didn't mind plus the closer we got to the surface the warmer it got.

"Okay where now?" He asked and I pointed up. "Oh. I haven't been outside in a long while. I'm actually a little surprised that you managed to get me out here right now, but then again the promise of fighting for my freedom did sound rather enticing."

I grinned at him and then motioned towards the hook up top, and he nodded and clapped his wings once, shooting through the air so fast that he was already halfway there before I even came close to reacting. I shot off towards the wall and and then on all fours to run up, and on the way up I passed him causing him to waver for a second in shock but he shook his head and used a little more power to go faster.

I still reached the top before him, but he was right behind me so I shot off and went the long way again just to throw them off because if Black Blade saw us come out from the forest directly towards her. I think that she'd use that as a path of travel and I didn't want her to discover the underground Pokemon city, even if they could defend themselves well enough.

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