Chapter 4

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After a little while the Tepig finally lead me to a place on the other side of the city, well actually it wasn't in the city. It was more like a small cabin in the middle of a giant field, maybe the city didn't support what the person was selling, so the Pokémon bought their own land and used it to do things off city limits.

"Okay we're here" she said looking at the cabin with a large grin while I just stared at the thing in disbelief.

"How is this thing able to cook meat? Much less a Sharpedo's fins won't even fit in the entire place!" I growled at her, and she just pouted.

"Just go inside will ya" she said and I sighed and went up to the door.

"You aren't going to come in?" I asked looking back to see her still sitting a decent ways from the building.

"Nope" she said, "even though the guy who owns the place is really nice. I never want to go in there again"

I sighed and opened the door, "okay then. I guess I'm doing this on my own." I stepped inside and it was just as disappointing as it was on the outside. There was barely anything here!

The only things that I saw were a single rocking chair with leather cushions. Made of some Pokémon I couldn't really identify. Probably an Arbok honestly, but the color was so faded that it looked like it could've come from anything.

I stepped up the the chair and walked around it and poked the chair a few times before noticing that one of the walls had books on it. And they all had writing on the spines, but one. And of coarse I tried to pull that one out and it tried to, but only the top part slid down.

Then the floor creaked and my feet felt air the next second, and then I was falling. I looked down to see that the entire section of the floor just sung down and to the right to fold against the wall. It happened so fast that I didn't have time to grab the chair to brace myself.

That pig, she knew this was going to happen, she lied to me. I roared loudly as I fell and maneuvered myself to the wall. To where I unsheathed all four sets of my claws to dig them into the walls. Large gashes following in my trail as I slid down and when I finally stopped I could no longer see the top of the cavern.

I growled again and sheathed my claws again every once and a while unsheathing them and doing the same thing over and over again. After a while my paws began to ache and I knew that this was going to be my last time I would be able to use them for the day.

I sheathed my claws and kicked off of the wall before kicking off of the opposite side, and again, repeating this process until I could see a light at the bottom. I stopped and let myself fall before digging my claws into the wall once again and letting myself cut through the bottom of the cavern and into a giant well lit room.

I landed on all fours and stopped to catch my breath. That was hard, and I did not ever want to do that again, but if this trip was worth it then I would gladly do it every time. I looked up and saw this the place that I was now in was a giant underground cave. There were rows of Sharpedo hanging from their tails on the ceiling, there were buckets of magikarp, feebas, and other fish Pokémon. There were even Milotics and Gyarados hung on the walls, the bones of every fish Pokemon I've ever known of were on the wall nearest to me. The biggest at the top leading down to the smallest fish, and yes, Wailord was at the top. It was a giant cave, and it made me wonder what Pokémon was in charge of all of this.

As I thought of it a giant Dragonite came over, it must've been a totem Pokémon because this thing was at least twice the size of a normal Dragonite. It actually had to duck underneath the Sharpedo as it walked towards me.

I was quite intimidated by it and my body was screaming at me to run away but I needed this food, and I was not leaving without a taste of some cooked Sharpedo.

"What do I have here?" It said, it's voice seemed to crack the very walls of the cave. It shook the fish hanging on the ceiling and it shook my very bones. "I see you were shoved down the testing hole, and you've survived so I give you some of my trust, but you could still be someone trying to kill me so I must test you and then ask you what you are here for, but not here. Follow me, try to kill me if you must but either way I am going to bring you with me."

I shivered as the large Dragonite turned and then dropped to all fours and started to walk off. That would be one test, if I were a person trying to kill the Dragonite. Him dropping on all fours made it a lot easier to get to the neck and either try to cut it open or bite into it. But I had a feeling that it's skin was harder than steel, harder than my claws could cut, and I had no lightning to use so I would be at a loss here.

"I cannot fight you" I said and the Dragonite stopped, turning towards me with surprise. "I am only here to buy or work for a taste of your Sharpedo meat. I heard from a...friend, that your meat was the best on this island. Of which I am planning on escaping soon"

"And how do you think you can do that?" It said, "the winds of that storm are too much for even my wings to go up against, and without your lightning, or a way to get electricity. You are at a loss and cannot use many of your abilities. While I do commend your truthfulness. I still must get you in some way."

"I agree, if I prove that you cannot trust me in some way, I will leave and never come back, but if you can trust me. I request some Sharpedo meat, and a way to work it off, as I do not have any money or whatever you use."

"Trust, fear, and status in this city are the things that let the other Pokémon get things." It said, "if you use too much your trust will go down, if you do anything bad or against the rules of the city or town then trust is none existent. Et Cetra."

"Okay, what do I need to do in order to have a taste of that meat?" I pointed a paw up to the Sharpedo above us and the Dragonite smiled.

"First I need to test your strength, stamina, and other things" he said moving around and grabbing different things, "then I'll decide whether or not you are worthy"

Worthy? Worthy of what? I watched as he set a bunch of things in front of me. They looked pretty heavy and I didn't know what they were made of but it looked cool.

"Okay for the first part I want you to lift each of these things as high as you can, starting there" the Dragonite pointed to some Arbok Skin and I looked at him with a confused expression but went over and lifted it above my head. It was pretty much a feather to me, and it was also surprisingly warm as well.

I moved on until I got to a large hunk of fish meat, and I glared at him.

"Are you teasing me right now" I growled and he smiled.

"Yes. After you lift the rest of these things, and throw that thing so that it passes the tip of the Sharpedo's dorsal fin. I will cook it for you" he said and I suddenly had the drive to get through these things as fast as I could. I moved on to the next thing. It looked like obsidian, and I grabbed it by the sides and lifted it over my head. If the thing were to be carved, I think it would be the perfect tomb for me to lay in forever.

I set it down and admired it for a second, the stone was so shiny and I could feel how warm it was in this cave. I tore my attention away from it and moved on to the pulley like thing. It had a Sharpedo speared through by the tail connected to a rope going to the ceiling.

"This one's last, come back to it" the Dragonite said and I tilted my head in confusion. Why place it here if it's just going to be last? I moved on anyways and picked up every last thing there. I couldn't really describe the rest besides them being large bones belonging to animals that were far bigger than me.

I dropped the last bone, which looked kind of like the bone of a Wailord's rib-cage and I went back to the Sharpedo. As I was pulling it up with the rope, the Dragonite seemed surprised that I could lift the last few but hid it quickly as he stood. Watching the Sharpedo get higher and higher. Then when the fish was high enough, he grabbed the back of the spear and shoved it into the ceiling of the cave till the rod of the spear was buried up to half in the stone.

I moved back to the fish meat and grabbed it about to throw it up when the Dragonite stopped me.

"Stop, you no longer need to throw that" he said, "I have seen enough, your strength and stamina surprise me. So I have decided that you are worthy. Now let me go and prepare this fish for you"

Worthy of What?!

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