Chapter 19;

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Luke's alarm woke him up around 6;30, he frowned seeing Holly sleeping on the other side of the bed, not spreading her boy over him like usual.
He slipped out of bed and had a quick shower to wake himself up, after getting dressed and checking on Mel's sleeping figure he left the room, meeting Calum who was waiting outside his door.
"Mornin." Calum yawned, Luke just nodded, not being a morning person it was difficult to talk to people in the mornings, beside to Melody of course.
The two boys walked down to the lobby, seeing Michael and Ashton laying on some couches, "ready to go?" Michael asked noticing the two boys.
The boys chose to walk, since it was only 5 minutes away, they quickly took some photos with the few fans that had been waiting outside all night to meet them, then they began there walk to the studio.


"Anyone got any ideas?" Ashton asked, tapping a pen on the table.
"C'mon Luke, you've got a lot of emotions we could use, how about jealously?" Michael sat with a smug look on his face while Luke death stared him from the other side of the table.
Ashton and Calum both asked what was going on, and Michael just kept staring at Luke, waiting for him to fess up to his feelings.
"Seriously, what's up?" Ashton asked, eyebrows furrowed.
"You." Luke sighed, looking at his confused face, "you and Holly are acting weird, you're keeping things from me and I don't like it." He explained,
"Not everything concerns you Luke, we're friends, you're gonna have to learn to deal with it." Ashton frowned, trying not to come off as a dick.
"Luke thinks you guys slept together." Michael spoke, watching Calum and Ashton gasp in shock.
"You're so pathetic Luke, nice to know you think so highly of me." Ashton grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Michael would you but out! And Ash I didn't really think you two slept together, a lot was going through my head and I was making assumptions. I'm sorry." Luke spoke honestly trying to gain Ashton's eye contact.
"Whatever, can we just start writing." Ashton dismissed the conversation, picking up the pen again and began scribbling some words down.


"What would you like to do Mel?" Holly asked, it was already the late afternoon and all Melody and Holly did all day was watch cartoons and eat junk food in there pj's.
"The dance game!" Melody squealed, picking up the 'just dance' case, Holly agreeing with her and setting it up.
"what song?" Holly asked, already knowing the answer.
"Daddy's and Uncle's song!" Mel jumped up and down in excitement.
Holly nodded, clicking on she looks so perfect with a grin on her face.


Once the two girls started playing just dance they couldn't stop, much like when those four boys started writing they couldn't stop either.
It was finally knock off time, 8 pm, the boys successfully wrote two songs, and had three ruff copies/half done songs on the go.
Calum and Michael decided to go out for some food, whilst Ashton and Luke decided to go back to the hotel, Ashton was walking a head of Luke, still half ignoring him.
"Please Ash!" Luke whined, jogging up to him.
"Your girlfriend came to me, she wanted to talk to me, so don't get annoyed at me Luke." Ashton told him, still walking and looking straight ahead.
"Is something wrong?" Luke asked quietly, "honestly, yes. But wait until Holly comes to you. And I forgive you for being dick and accusing me of sleeping with Hol." Ashton mumbled the last part sarcastically, he hated having to be mad at someone so close to him, that's why he could only last a few hours ignoring someone.
"I am sorry, just letting you know again. And thanks." Luke smiled, following Ashton into the elevator of the hotel.
After a quick hug (cuddle) Ashton and Luke went off to their own rooms.
Luke being surprised when seeing Melody still awake,
Holly immediately walked over, kissing Luke on the cheek before explaining, "she refused to sleep until she could say goodnight to you." Holly whisperer, walking back over to there bed, while Luke walked over to his half asleep daughter.
"Hey baby." Luke pulled her into a hug.
"I missed you daddy!" Mel mumbled into his ear, yawning loudly.
"I'll come lay in bed with you for little yeah?" Luke suggested, since it had been a while since they had cuddled.
Luke looked over to see Holly already sleeping, so he crawled into bed with Mel, pulling her into his chest.
"Did you have a good day?" Luke asked, playing with his daughters blonde hair.
"We danced all day daddy, t'was so much fun." Mel mumbled into his chest, Luke chuckled at how she was literally holding on to staying awake with all her power.
"I love you baby." Luke whispered, "I love you the most daddy."

That was the last thing that was said, then Melody's soft snores and Luke's louder ones filled the room.

{oh what do you think is wrong with Holly?????? Leave me your thoughts on all the drama!
Hope you liked the chapter, vote and comment please! Xx}

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