January 11,2015

37 1 0

~1:04 P.M~

Heya guys! So like...what I did a few hours ago was... Of course the usual I wake up late when there's nothing to do. I changed my memory card to 16 GB since its always full of shits and I hate it -.-

I transferred everything to my new memory card but seems like nothing happened ..when I put it in my phone nothing changed. Its still Fuckin full!!!! *sigh* so the available space is only 7.3MB....it suuckkkss~! I still need fucking games!! I wanna die! Kill me already..-_-

Since I got bored in my phone I watched TV instead. After changing the channel so many times I ended up watching a VERY funny Korean show xD ahahaha!! It  made me laugh so dem hard!! XDD gosh ...I think they're group name was VIXX...yeah. I more like the youngest,Leo. He's freakin' CUTE~! moe moe~!!!! xD

After watching I ate lunch. X)) and after that...

I'll continue later xP ahahahahahaha!
~1:29 P.M~


Hi guys! I'm back! Haha so like I said I'll continue.

I watched TV again and for hours my mom told me to take a bath coz we're going to the church to attend mass 0:)) ←(an angel xD Haha). After I took a bath I went to my room to change clothes. You don't know how sexy I am!! XD Haha I'm kiddin' xP

First I tried the dress my mom told me to wear, but it looked horrible on me so I changed again. I changed into the dress my aunt gave me, but,again, the strap of my bra is seen so I tried wearing a blazer or something, but it still doesn't suit me!! -_-" dem...

I searched through all my clothes till I saw the dress I haven't worn since forever. So I thought about wearing a red tube and wear the dress to suit me more, since the dress I chose is super fit on me. I looked SMEXY on the dress!!  Haha jke!! XP

I wore my orange heels and let my hair down, I put on my red flower earings that my cousin gave me from Thailand, and put some powder to make it look like I wore make-up. And TADA!! My make-over is done! ^_^ I looked terrific!!

We went to the church and took our seat near the front. It was s-so c-cold there ..huhuhu. I noticed that there were so many perpetualites in the church. I think there were...7! v^_^

The mass ended and we went home. Wrong! Not all of us. Me and my mum went to somewhere xD while my bro and dad went home. After a couple of minutes in the car my dad called. My mom told me to answer it so I did. I heard an angry/concerned dad.

I dunno what's wrong but we'll find out . My dad told me that my bro almost fell..,guess from the roof,...coz my mom left the keys of the hauz. Stupid mom. XD JK well at least they got in. ^_^

We got to the place we need to go and and went upstairs after parking the car. I sat down on the comfy and fluffy chair *3* Moe~! Haha. I waited for my mom to be done on something, and while waiting I'm texting with Nicole, my BFF. We had a very fun conversation ^_^

After my mom was finished we paid for something she just bought and it seems like she's short on money ^_^""" gahd! What's wrong with her?! She didn't even bring money! I noticed it and reminded her about the slurpee that she promised to buy, but told me that she'll buy me next time and that she'll buy Dairy Queen instead.

But since she's gonna buy it next week I got mad! Super! I left her there inside and went downstairs. Damn that woman -.-" ./. Her!!!....*sigh 100x* we went to the car and went home. After going home I changed my clothes into shorts and shirt that looks like a crop top already xD

After a couple of minutes they called me over for dinner. I went downstairs. My mom told me to help in preparing the plates so she told me to put the spoon&fork. I didn't obey quickly, coz I don't want to fucking do chores when I'm so freakin' tired!!!  damn her!!!

Since she was starting to annoy me I just obeyed but in my mind I was cursing. -.- after sitting down the chair I noticed the rice was different. It was red rice -_- it was a different kid of red rice and I don't like it so I complained.

My mom lectured me about eating what's there so I got fuckin' pissed off !!! what is she?!, my teacher?! Nu-uh woman!

Don't start on me now! Shut your bitchy face! Ugh! Sorry for swearing...just needed to let my anger out here. I quickly ate and tossed the plate in the sink. I went upstairs, stomping my feet every step. I shut my door close, locked it and lied on the bed so I could cool down a bit.

After laying there doing nothing, I checked the Time and noticed I've been laying for an hour. °_° meh...I went out of my room to fix my things. I felt that I'm hungry. I ate a few biscuits and drank water. My mom scolded me for not sleeping yet but I ignore her. She asked me what was I doing, and again I ignored the bitch -_-...annoying.

I went back upstairs to brush my teeth,wash my face and all,cleaned my ears, fixed the bed and lied down to sleep 0;)) wanna join me? Haha just kiddin' ! I kick while sleeping. *_* JOKE!!! XPP Again, good night! ^_^v

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