January 13,2015

26 1 0

Wazzap? XD haha. Today's Tuesday. So...we wore our jogging pants and white shirt. My boobs look big when I'm wearing the shirt °_°...XD I mean srsly! Yah..so umm.. Where do I start. Ah yes! We had our rosary this morning. And I only chatted..so I got scolded. XD haha.

We continued our subjects and all. We had our quiz in English too..and I didn't get a perfect score . Uwaaaaaaaaa~!!! . Haha. I'm a crybaby. We had our recess. And I only ate a few biscuits. I was still hungry~! Nevahmind. Next was science. Our teacher explained something to is about memorising the PVM, like I said before, there will be be visitors.

Our teacher said something about what they're called...I just don't remember. ^_^" meh..Who Da Fuck Cares?! XD we continued our FCL. And we watched a video..about Jesus when he died and got crucified. It was so...PAINFUL to watch. :'( Jesus suffered too much..so always pray to him.

In Hekasi we only answered something in the book and had our groupings. I laid on the floor, my chest facing the floor while my feet is swinging in the air xD haha I think my tummy was seen...but Nah! Who gives a shit? XP I didn't even finished what we were answering! Hahaha.

We had our lunch. I ate and went out. I didn't see my crush that time. :(( *sigh* dem...Hehe.. I roamed around the school with my friends. It was fun xP HAHAHA. Math started and we answer in the book and used our protractor. It made me very puzzled...I didn't get it at first but in the end I got it xD . silly me.

HELE was next but there was no teacher so we continued math!! Nooooooo!!! ...we continued our SW in math and checked it. Boring!!! -.- Filipino was next and we read a story in the book and the teacher asked questions. And answered something too. Class has ended and we played volleyball. I saw my crush that time!! Yiieeee!!! ♥_♥ hehehe...

I went home aftah dat. So right now I'm doing my assignment and listening to the radio! XD haha. I'm bored -_- sorry I didn't do much today..and my fingers are tired of typing on the phone -3-...haha. So that's all!!

Want my phone number?? Haha xD ask it on twitter so I could tell ya. ONLY if you want... 0:)) I'm not forcing ya okey?... OK!! HAHAHA. Bye for now..till next time!!! Luv ya babes!

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