January 8,2015

88 1 0

Hi guys! My name's JRLK...just call me Bisca, since that was my nickname before ( sorry don't wanna tell my real name) and I know some know me from UPHSD..clue= I am a grade six pupil who loves ice cream xD Well I'd be glad if some of my schoolmates are reading this ^_^

I'm using wattpad as my diary instead, since a diary notebook is not so safe for me ever since my incident...nvrmind! Hehe. So I'll start off at the beginning~


Today was quite amusing :)) I had super fun at school! Well our first subject was boring since its music and the teacher was teaching us how to play a guitar.

I didn't actually listen. I only played the harmonica which is like a piano but you've got to blow some pole or something...I dunno. Actually I was getting the hang of it...until my classmate ,Cherylle ruined it -_-

Its not that I hate her..I just got ticked off. Same with my friend Ella. I was the first one to borrow it from my classmate,Einjel. But since they are ruiners they took the harmonica-like-piano.

I got mad so I went to my other classmates who were watching our teacher play the guitar while someone play the beat box. I think it was Peter or Yuri...I dunno ^_^"

Our next teacher already  went Inside the classroom while our music teacher is still in. Our music teacher stopped playing the guitar and left. When I was going to my seat Ella has been begging for me to forgive her.

Well since I wanna mess with them, as revenge I ignored her! Haha. Stupid right? No? Hmm... Well continue. Same with Cherylle, She's been asking for forgiveness but I totally ignored her. >*evil laugh*<

Our English subject started and we all tackled about Adjectives I guess.. Oh! And the different kinds of degrees! Yeah... After the teacher explained it AGAIN we had a contest x)) and again I wasn't listening ^^''

Yeah I'm that stupid..but I'm the highest in our English! Well I don't mean to brag ^…^ I just rely on my kumon.

The contest went out PUH-REE-TEE well, since we won and all xD *sigh* life is so easy when you don't listen like me XD Haha just kiddin'. Don't do that alright? *…*

We had our recess after English. The usual, I ate so many food but never turn fat ^_^" weird huh?... Well at least I get to eat a lot! Haha x))

Our science was next and all our teacher let us do is write lecture notes -.-" and I hated it...but at least we didn't have a boring lesson about the layers of the earth, since I get sleepy when its science.

Computer came and the fun started already ... My bestie,sorta, whose name is Andre didn't have a book so he shared with mine. Our lesson was about movie making shits and stuffs xD

There was a picture that we've been comparing to our classmate,Sandra. Well the characteristics of her is : easily angry at Andre, small (no hard feelings Sands!), Korean-like eyes, thin, and what I hate the most is that she is a snobber sometimes! Boom! Haha xD

Andre is always ticking Sandra E-VAH-REE day! And she hates it. Me and Andre had been laughing and laughing till the teacher got mad at Andre and not me ^_^ Haha SAFE!

Dré(Andre)and I whispered each other about something...or more like talking about someone! XD I ain't  tellin'  nobody!  XP we laughed every single person we talk about and of course Sandra noticed it and started whispering something to my best friend,Nicole.

They started laughing too. Guess they're talkin' about Dré xD I'm sure about it cause both of em' don't hate me. We laughed till computer ended and Hekasi came. Ugghh!!!  I hate that subject! So I'll skip the Hekasi people!

Don't worry about what happened cause I didn't listen either xD So lunch came,and same routine. I eat quickly ,almost choke, drink water, eat extra biscuit, stand up and walk around, go to the bathroom with my friends and so on and so forth.

Math started and again lesson got boring so I've only heard 'blah blah blah!' from my teacher. we answered some activities in the book and all. After math it was HELE already.

The teacher distributed our projects that we made yesterday which was a pencil holder and I.D holder made of beads. It was vveeerrryyy difficult! My head almost burst! God damn it!


She told Ella to take picture so our visitors from the school ,which I don't know where ,would see it. :))

So we were divided in groups. I was in the first group so I got my pic early. After everybody got a pic already our teacher let us continue with our groupings.

We had fun again and fun I mean DEADLY Fun! Hahaha xDD we've been laughing for hours and our teacher noticed it x)) Ella told us to answer her question like were some kids. She asked,"Swine means..?" So we were like "PIGS!!" we shouted like kids!! But it seemed one of us was left out in shouting so had to repeat again and again till we get it right!

It was FUN alright!! X)) HELE ended and Filipino subject came. Same as the other boring subjects...again I didn't listen xD we only asked riddles and told jokes ._. Borriinnngg~!! We wasted time for nothin' ! Class has ended at last!

I put my bag to my usual spot and took my volleyball to play. I went to find my Baby Girl, Cess so I have a companion. We went to the bathroom to fix ourselves when suddenly a guy came in. Well he was a kid. He said the bathroom of the boys is locked. So I let him in than let him suffer. Hehe.

I played volleyball with my friends. It was quite windy so our skirts went up and our shorts/under wears were seen xD it was embarrassing! Hahaha.

The game was fun when suddenly it rained. Dundundun! Well we're not gonna stop yet! So we went to the gym to continue the game. I saw my crush in the gym and of course my rival! -_- that freakin' black bitch!! I hate her!! Nvrmind.. We had fun,laughed,played stupidly and shared our awesomest friendship!! XD

Until that I went home. I left my ball to Ella so we could continue tomorrow. I got home and answered my homework And do other shits. We went to buy something in the Mini mall and went back home immediately. I brushed my teeth, do personal stuffs, readied what I need to wear for tomorrow and went to bed.


So that's that peeps! I only thought of using wattpad as a diary a while ago ^_^ hope you enjoyed reading what I did the whole day!

Please don't judge!...I'm a kid... xD enough drama!
Well goodnight to everyone, since I wrote the diary at night. ^_^


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